Friday night Zach and I went to see George Strait in his Cowboy Rides Away tour. This will be his last tour and we knew months ago when we saw he was coming to Philly we had to go. Zach bought the tickets not knowing whether or not I would feel like going when the time came. With my back hurting as much as it has been lately I wasn't too excited about having to walk 500+ yards from the car to the arena but we were hoping we could figure something out. Zach ended up borrowing a wheelchair from a lady he works with and it was a life saver. He wheeled me from the car all the way to the arena then through the arena to our section. All I had to walk was up the stairs to our seats. And wouldn't you know our seats were on the VERY. TOP. ROW. Zach dropped me off at our section then went to guest services to check the wheelchair leaving me to walk up the stairs alone. No big deal except the air is a lot thinner at the top...or so it seemed lol. I thought I was going to pass out when I got to our seats. I don't even think I took my jacket or scarf off at first. I'm pretty sure I just collapsed into my seat. Even though I drank I think 2 bottles of water, a cup full of ice, and helped Zach drink a very large Sprite, I was determined not to go to the bathroom unless it was an emergency. I was NOT walking back up those stairs lol. Luckily we were on the aisle and there were a couple of seats on one side of us that were not filled so we didn't feel quite as cramped as usual in that arena. Problem was our entire row of I think 24 people were drinking and typically people who are consuming alcoholic beverages "have to" get up more often than those of us who aren't. The first few times I actually stood up to let them all walk by (they always went in groups of 4 or more) but after about 5 trips, this pregnant lady got tired of the up and down so I turned to the side but nothing more. The number of trips they made was ridiculous. Anywho, we had a really good time and King George was amazing! At 61 he's still got it. Here's a few pictures of our night.

(The view from our seats)
(Martina McBride opened for George)
(Girl's got some lungs!)
(Does the high altitude make me look fat?)
(King George)
(He's still got it.)
(The stage was set up so they sang from all four corners so everyone got a good view.)
(One of my favorite moments of the night, "Jackson" by Johnny and June)
("I'm goin' to Jackson...")
(Gettin' it!)
(Farewell to the legend)
(I have a feeling he's going to miss this.)
(My amazing husband taking the wheelchair through the seats to avoid the crowd. Smart man!)
(My ride)
We had such a good time that night. That's just another bucket list item we can check off. The concert was kind of my last hoorah until the after the boys get here and I think it was a good way to go out. From now you can find me in a pair of yoga pants, a baggy (well, not so baggy anymore) t-shirt, curled up on the couch with a cup full of ice and a dog (or two...or three) at my feet. C'mon mid-April!