Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Four Month Update!

Four. Months. Old.

I absolutely cannot believe that our sweet little baby boys are 4 months old already. They're not babies anymore. Well, not BABY babies. They are growing like weeds and are reaching milestones left and right.  They are constantly getting more interactive and responsive and get happier with every day that passes. Is that even possible? They have brought nothing but joy to our lives and I never thought I would say it but I can't imagine life without them. Here is what we've been up to over the last month.

Sanford Tate

"San-fudd" (it's all in the pronunciation), "Brother"

15lbs 5oz. Our "little" boy. This was as of a week ago. Smith had started wheezing a little every now and then and we wanted to make sure it wasn't anything serious. Turned out just being the cartilage in his throat is still soft causing it to make a wheezing sound when he gets excited or agitated. The doctor said it should get better as he gets older and it hardens.

We didn't get a height/length when we went to the doctor but we have our 4 month check ups next week so we will see then.

What I've been up to lately...

-I love to stand up.

-I love to smile. I'm almost always happy.

-I get startled really easily.

-I am really ticklish all over my body. 

-Mommy used to be able to leave me on my Boppy when she left the room for a few minutes but she can't anymore because I do a backbend and flip off the back.

-Sometimes it's hard for Mommy or Daddy to feed me my bottle because I'm too busy squirming and looking around.

-Daddy says Smith is a Momma's boy so I am his only hope in having a Daddy's boy...but shhhh, don't tell him I'm a Momma's boy too. It might hurt his feelings.

-I still very rarely get flustered. I let my brother do all the bossing around. I usually just sit back and take what I'm given. Even if that means he gets to start his bottle first.

Smith Taylor

Nickname: "Smiff" or Smiffy", "Brother" (same as Sanford)

Weight: 16lbs 3oz. Our big boy.

Height/length: No height. We'll see next week.

What I've been up to lately...

-I talk...all. of. the. time.

-When I'm not talking, I'm squealing.

-I love my mommy. I am becoming more and more of a Momma's boy. Daddy can be making me laugh but as soon as my Mommy comes into the room, my eyes are glued to her. If Mommy is in the room, I'm staring at her, even if she is 10 feet away. Daddy says there's no hope of me becoming a Daddy's boy so all the pressure is on Brother. 

-I'm still Mr. Bossypants

-I still usually wake up to eat first.

-Did I mention that I love my mommy?

-I'm such a big boy that Mommy doesn't have to hold my bottle anymore. She just sticks it through my bottle pillow and I either let it sit on my chest or I hold onto it while I eat.

What have we been up to this month?

-We took our first trip to the beach. We went to Gulf Shores with Mommy and Daddy's friends Jim and Kendell and their little girl, Ella. We're not interested in girls just yet but we think she's pretty cute anyways. We had a lot of fun at the pool. We even got in a few naps poolside and in the water.

-We started teething just a day or so before we went to the beach. It was pretty tough there for a couple of weeks but has gotten better recently. 

- We love to sleep. No matter how silly Mommy and Daddy are being and how energetic we are, we still love to get in bed and go right to sleep. It usually only takes us a few minutes to pass out. Mommy and Daddy are very thankful for this.

-We started sleeping through the night this month. We went from sleeping 6 hours at a time to sleeping 9-11+ hours every single night. The first night we slept through the night was at the beach. Mommy and Daddy thought we were going to have to move there in order for us to sleep that well every night but even since we came home, we haven't stopped. 

-Momma Rose (RoRo) and HeDaddy came to visit a couple of weeks ago. They flew in early Friday morning and left Monday evening. It was a quick trip but we had fun.

-We went to our first MLB game. Astros vs. Bluejays. We had lots of fun.

-We both love to flirt.

-We both rolled over from our tummies to our backs this month. Sanford did it on August 8th and Smith did it on August 14th. 

-Today, while Mommy was pumping, we were all laying in the bed and Sanford suddenly rolled from his back to his belly. Mommy tried to get it on video but every time she pulled her phone out he would stop. Then as soon as she would stop recording, he would roll over again. He rolled over 3 or 4 times within about 15 minutes and Mommy never got it on video. Daddy was sad that he missed it.

-We started sleeping without being swaddled just a few days ago. We've been swaddled to sleep ever since we were born but when we started trying to roll over and started getting really close, Mommy and Daddy thought it would be best if we had our arms out incase we turned over during the night.

-We've started looking at each other and more this month. We even smile and giggle at each other sometimes.

-Most of all, we make Mommy and Daddy fall more and more in love with us every single day. They think we're pretty awesome!

Here's a few pictures from the last month...

Gulf Shores, AL - our first trip to the beach

A view from our balcony.

Smiffy loving the water.

Sanford loving the water too.

We fell asleep when we walked out to the beach.

Worn out from swimming and getting ready to head back to the room.

Impromptu family photo on the beach.

Chilling in the sand.

Group picture on the beach. Thank you so much Jim, Kendell, and Ella for inviting us. We had so much fun!

Our first MLB game
Houston Astros vs. Toronto Bluejays

They had all of these baseballs outside the gate so we had to take some pictures! We were glad we got to wear our orange and blue to the game.

Everyone getting in on the picture taking action.

Checking out the field.

Minute Maid Park.

The view from our seats.


Sanford. (Who was too busy people watching to look at the camera)

Daddy and Smith stretching.

Smith with Daddy.

Sanford and Mommy cuddling.

Momma Rose and Sanford.
We played musical babies the whole time to try to keep cool.

Sanford thinks Daddy is funny.

Someone hit a homerun and they shot fireworks. The boys weren't too sure about them but Smith thought it was funny when we covered his ears.

Momma Rose & HeDaddy getting ready to go home

Momma Rose tried to sneak us in her suitcase. It was a little bit of a tight squeeze.

Getting ready to take Momma Rose and HeDaddy to the airport.

This teething stuff is just no fun.

Our teething station. Its usually confined to a small plastic container but this was after a 30 minute meltdown for both boys. Mommy had to pull out everything. (The Diet Sunkist was mine.)

Sanford looking pitiful.

Smith sleeping hard.

Sanford looking pretty pitiful again.

Smith trying to sleep it off...again.

Sanford said his fingers usually seem to help.

Sometimes Smith just needs some cuddles with Mommy.

Sanford says cuddles usually make him feel better too.

We just can't get enough of our hands.

Trying out our carriers.

Mommy and Smith trying out the carrier.

Mommy and Sanford trying out the carrier.

Golfing with Daddy.

Sanford likes golf...

...and so does Smith.

Breaking a sweat with Mommy.

Enjoying the breeze.


Practicing sitting up.

Sanford thinks bedtime is funny.

Watching cousin Caleb pitch. We already love baseball!

Smith doing tummy time.

Sanford doing tummy time.

Sanford always thinks it's funny to grab Smith's shirt and pull. Smith usually isn't very amused.


Smith shooting Sanford a little grin.

Mommy just loves us in these tiger footed "jommies".

Daddy, need any help at work? We're in our Carhartts and collared shirts.

Sanford loves to push himself off the back of his Boppy.

This happened in a matter of about 2 minutes. Just long enough for me to walk Smith down the hall, change his diaper, and come back. He was completely off the Boppy when I came back.

Back bend.

Maybe he just wanted to watch TV.


The last four months have been nothing but a blessing. There have been many hard times but many more happy times. Smith and Sanford light up my world more than I ever thought possible. I just love watching them grow and learn and as much as it pains me knowing how fast they are growing up, I look forward to watching them grow into the young men that God has created them to be.