Monday, December 28, 2015

McCoy James :: 2 Months Old

McCoy James Spraggins

2 Months

This kid always has the funniest, wide-eyed look when I try to take a picture of him. Cracks me up!

Its hard to believe this boy is already 2 months old. When I say it out loud, I can hardly believe it but when I think back on the day he was born, it seems like so long ago. Its already hard to imagine life as a family of four. He is such a sweet, laid back boy and we all love him more and more every day. 

Weight: I weighed him today and my scale said 15.4lbs which I believe is about 15lbs6oz
Height/Length: Not sure but we go for his 2 month check up next week so we'll find out then.

What have I been up to lately?

- He has started to smile and coo a lot more. Especially when Daddy talks to him. He is just so funny.

- He has always been a pretty good sleeper. He was sleeping 4 hour stretches as soon as he was born. Then he jumped to sleeping about 6 hours at night, then jumped to 8.5-9 hours at night for several nights, but then went back down to 6 hours stretches with all of our traveling and messed up schedules. Now that we're back home and things have somewhat calmed down, he's gone back to sleeping 8 or so hours at night.

- I always hear people say that their baby nurses for 20-30 minute each time at this age and still needs to eat 2.5-3 hours later. This child will eat for a max of 10 min and still sleep that 7 or 8 hour stretch. I don't know how he does it. During the day its not uncommon for him to only nurse for 6 or 7 minutes and not get hungry until its been 3 hours or more. He's a chunk too!

- He's had his first cold this week. His brothers and I passed it on to him. Thankfully, so far it hasn't been that bad. Just a little congestion and a snotty nose. It has made him a little frustrated with nursing but I try to suction it out beforehand and he usually still eats pretty well.

- He is still such a laid back boy. I love wearing him when we go places and getting those extra cuddles. He always seems pretty content too. The only problem it ever poses is occasionally he, being so close to his food source, he gets a little agitated and wants to eat a little sooner than expected. But I can usually hold him off with a paci for a little bit. 

- He loves to stand up and sometimes even bounces. He's super strong.

- We celebrated his first Christmas! We drove from Cape Coral, FL to Troy, AL Thursday December 10th. AJ (Zarah - Zach's sister) was graduating on Friday so we have planned to leave earrrrly Thursday morning (I'm talking 3am) hoping the boys would sleep the first few hours and that we'd get there at a decent time. After all, it was only an 8.5 hour trip from Cape Coral to Troy. Zach ended up having to go in to work until about noon so by the time we got everything loaded and everyone ready to go, we didn't leave until 2pm. Worst. thing. ever! We hit bumper to bumper traffic several times before we even hit Tampa which is only about 2 hours away. The boys fought their naps the whole time so they were grumpy the entire trip. We ended up not getting to Troy until 2:30am CST which means we had been in the car for 13.5 hours. Then we had to get up early for graduation. I think we only got about 4 hours of sleep that night. Then the rest of the week involved a lot of driving and family functions for both sides which meant missed naps and schedules jacked up. By the end of our trip, we were all mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted. Although it was a really tough trip, it was great seeing family and introducing our newest angel to all of our families and friends. 

- He prefers to sleep on his belly. I know, I know, "back is best" and I'm a firm believer in that. But the child won't settle on his back most of the time. He just squirms and fusses and refuses to relax. I remember last month's update I mentioned that I was having trouble to get him to relax at night and I thought it was due to gas and reflux. Now I think it was just him trying to tell me that he didn't want to sleep on his back or in the swing. One night, I had been fighting him for probably 4 hours. Gas drops didn't help, burping him didn't help. Singing, rocking, and bouncing didn't help. I tried putting him in his swing and he just cried and cried until I got him out. Even when I tried to just hold him and cuddle him, he would squirm and fuss which is kind of what made me think he was gassy. I ended up putting him in the pack-n-play on his belly and he immediately went to sleep. I laid in the bed for about 5 or 10 minutes until I knew he was good and asleep and then I went and rolled him over. He slept for I think 6 hours which was a couple of hours longer than he had been sleeping at that time. Pretty much since then, I've been putting him on his belly and he sleeps really well. Its funny because at night, he will get a little fussy. I know when that happens that he wants to eat and just go to bed. He doesn't want to be held or cuddled or fussed over. He simply just wants to get in his bed. The boy likes to sleep and I'm glad because I do too!

- He grew out of his size 1 diapers while we were in Alabama last week. We had several boxes of size 2s at home so we made the 1s work until we got home but we had to be pretty strategic with how we put them on because otherwise he would have leaks out the front. 

- He is officially in 6 month clothes and could probably wear most 9 month with no problem. I pulled out a 3 month onesie today thinking it was a 6 month and was confused when I couldn't even get his arms in after I put it over his head. When I saw the size I laughed because he never even wore it lol. He has literally not worn a lot of his clothes because he's grown out of everything so fast. I remember thinking his brothers were pretty big at 2 months (they were 12lbs10oz and 12lbs7oz) but I think this chunk has them beat.


I am constantly amazed at the love I have for each of my boys. Its hard to imagine loving another child as much as you love the kids you already have but the love just multiplies. The Lord knew exactly what he was doing when he gave us McCoy. I hope and pray that he and his brothers (and hopefully future siblings) will always be close and that they always know how much their mommy and daddy love them. It sounds so cliche and you can't quite grasp it until you are a parent but being a mommy has absolutely been the most difficult thing I've ever done yet also the most rewarding. Tonight, after I nursed McCoy, we were just laying in the bed and I was talking to him. He looked me right in the eyes and gave me the biggest grin I've ever seen him make and it literally brought tears to my eyes. I swear being a mom has made me such an emotional mess! I used to tease my mom about crying over what I thought was the silliest things but now I do it too. When my boys are happy, I'm happy. 

Here's a few pictures from over the last month:

Thank goodness he is laid back because his brothers love to "pat" on him. Here they were "helping" him do tummy time by practically beating the crap out of him and slept through all of it. Look at that intensity on Smith's face and Sanford's blurry arm.

Me attempting to referee. Tummy time didn't last long that day. Now he does a lot of it either on my chest, in his pack-n-play, or while brothers are asleep.

Cuddling with Mommy with a full belly.

He fell asleep in Mommy and Daddy's bed after eating. He looked so comfy and peaceful I almost hated to move him but our bed is entirely too soft for him to sleep on his tummy. I rolled him over and I think he ended up sleeping for a while on his back. He prefers his belly though.

Here he is with Dr. Fleishman, the doctor who delivered him. We love Dr. Fleishman! 
**Funny story about this photo: this was at my 6 week postpartum appointment. Zach kept the big boys while I took McCoy with me. After the doctor did his typical exam -you know, the kind where you're naked from the waist down- I asked him if he would mind taking a picture with McCoy. My parents have a picture of my doctor holding me when I was delivered and I just think its so neat having that so I wanted one of him with his doctor. Of course he agreed. Stupid me forgot that all I had on from the waist down was a paper drape so when I stood up to get him out of his car seat on the floor, the drape fell leaving my bare butt hanging out. I did my best to hold it up all while leaning down to get him unbuckled and out of his car seat with both hands. After almost losing the drape a couple of times I finally gave up. I was a bit embarrassed and said "I don't know why I'm so worried about hold this stupid drape up." lol I'm not the most modest person when it comes to doctor visits but I definitely felt like a total moron after that. But hey, we got a cute picture and I doubt he'll remember that moment so oh well.**

Taken earlier this month when we went to Bass Pro to get Santa pictures taken.

I was a tad bit worried that the big boys would be a little scared of Santa but while we were waiting in line, Zach got down with them and talked to them about him. Then he told them to wave at him and they did. Once we got up there, we asked Santa how he wanted them and he was a bit uneasy about holding the big boys AND McCoy so he asked if they could stand in front. I wasn't too sure they would stay put but we tried it and they did really well. Sanford looks like he got in a fight with a hose pipe (even though his shirt wasn't even wet), Smith looks like he's leading songs in church, and McCoy looks like he's fist pumping. When we were done and tried to leave, we told the boys to tell Santa bye and they both screamed. They didn't want to leave Santa. It was pretty funny.

Baby boy couldn't hang in church last Sunday. He cuddled with Daddy the whole time and I'm so glad I captured this moment.

Bath time!

I can't ever seem to get a picture of him smiling big but the little grins are just as precious!

This last week has been pretty rough on everyone. We all started getting sick toward the end of our trip to Alabama. By the time we got home, the big boys and I all had bad colds. Sanford got the worst of it with fever, congestion, snotty nose, lethargy, etc. None of us were feeling too hot and we did a lot of cuddling and vegging out all week. This day was particularly tough because everyone wanted Mommy and wouldn't take no for an answer. I am surprised at how happy I look in this picture because I'm pretty sure this was the day that I shed almost as many tears as the boys did. I was tired, frustrated, and just grumpy. I think the only reason I made a point to smile was because when I didn't smile, I looked like I had been beat up and smiling somehow somewhat masked my dark circles and blemishes. Thankfully I think we're all on the mend and beginning to come out of that hole.

Last month I did good by taking McCoy's monthly pictures while the big boys were napping. It allowed me to be able to take my time and not have to worry about them messing with him while I was snapping a million and one pictures. This month, Zach was at home while I was taking them so I figured "What the heck? He can contain them long enough for me to get a few shots." Boy was I wrong. Sanford pitched a fit because he wanted to "help" and give kisses and we wouldn't let him. He was furious when I took McCoy into the other room to change his clothes. I finally just told Zach to let him go and I would just make it work. I wish I had been able to get a good quality picture of him loving on his baby brother but I'm glad I at least got something. He loves his "behbee" so much and loves to love on him. He talks so sweetly to him and will even try to tickle his belly. I can't wait for McCoy to start interacting with them.

I got a little smile while I was taking pictures of him in his "My First Christmas" shirt. I just love that little grin!

Friday, November 27, 2015

McCoy James :: 1 Month

McCoy James Spraggins

Born: Monday, October 26, 2015
Time: 8:01am
Weight: 9lbs 4oz
Length: 21 in

With the teddy bear that Smith and Sanford gave him when he was born.

Nickname: Baby Boy, his brothers call him "Bayyyy-beeee!"

Weight: I weighed myself holding him today and our home scale said he was right at about 13lbs. He was 9lbs 9.5oz when I took him to the doctor for his 2 week appointment. So looks like he's gained a good bit of weight over the last 2 1/2 weeks.

Height/Length: I can't remember how long they said he was at his 2 week appointment. I guess we'll see when we go back in a few weeks.

What I've been up to lately?

  • First and foremost, BEING SWEET! This little BIG guy is just a big ol' cuddle bug. 
  • Sometimes he has a little trouble getting settled because he's a little refluxy and has been spitting up more these last several days but nothing too major.
  • He has already gotten accustomed to loud noises. His big brothers scream and yell and squeal like it's what they were born to do and he barely even flinches. Hopefully it stays that way as he gets older. 
  • He is usually a good nurser but sometimes gets a bit lazy and doesn't want to eat for very long which means he gets hungry sooner. I'm working on getting him out of that habit. He usually goes 2.5-3 hours between daytime feedings (Mommy has to wake him up to eat sometimes) but he also has times where he wants to eat every 1.5 hours. Its usually in the evening so maybe he's just storing up to sleep longer.
  • He sleeps really well at night. A couple of nights ago he went more than 7 hours between feedings (the time is measured by the time he starts eating until he starts eating at the next feeding. So when someone says "My kid slept 5 hours last night", chances are he/she didn't actually SLEEP for 5 hours. Probably more like 4 or so.) He usually has at least one longer stretch that can last anywhere from 4.5-7 hours between feedings (they lean close to about 5-6 hours). Either way, Mommy appreciates those longer stretches.
  • He's still really laid back. If he gets upset about something, he usually doesn't stay upset for long. If he gets cold, as soon as you cover him up he's fine. If he's gassy (which is pretty often), as soon as that burp/gas passes, he's fine. If one of the big boys throws something at him and whacks him in the head (which has already happened several times lol), he usually doesn't even flinch but if he does, more often than not its just a mad face and never mutters a sound. But if he does cry, it lasts for maybe 2 seconds.
  • The boys is a champion head holder upper. Since the day he was born, he has been holding his head up. Nowadays he can hold it up for pretty long stretches. Sometimes as long as 10 or more seconds at a time without so much as a head bobble. 
  • He is very curious. He loves to look around at moving objects and lights. At night, Mommy tries to keep the room as dim as possible so that he doesn't get too stimulated which makes it difficult to go back to sleep but he always finds something to look at and is wide eyed until we go to the next room where it's pitch black. He has no trouble sleeping in loud bright rooms, he just likes to look around sometimes.
  • He loves when Mommy wears him in his Lillébaby carrier. She loves all of the extra snuggles too! 
  • We celebrated his first Halloween. Since he was only a few days old, we didn't dress up and go trick or treating. Instead, we stayed home and watched Auburn football in our Auburn football shirts. 
  • We also celebrated his first Thanksgiving. Zach got to be off yesterday AND today! He hasn't had 2 consecutive days off in months so it was definitely a treat. The boys always love when their daddy is home and so do I. Our Thanksgiving this year was a bit different than usual but it was nice. Although we love spending time with our families, this year there was no fussing over cooking or traveling or anything. It was just us hanging out together and being lazy. Our Thanksgiving meal consisted of chicken that Zach grilled on the grill, Jiffy corn casserole, green beans, and rolls. Nothing fancy but oh so tasty. Zach and I even managed to each get some extra sleep.


This last month (+1 day) has been nothing short of a blessing for our family. I've always heard parents who are preparing to welcome their second child say that they don't know how they could ever love another child as much as their first. When I used to hear that I would think that we had it all figured out because we had to share our love with two from day one. But I'm not going to lie, while I was pregnant with McCoy, I think I was so overwhelmed with crazy emotions that I went through a time where I had similar thoughts. I knew I would love him as much as his big brothers but thought it would take longer for that love to grow. When the big boys were born, it took me a little while to have that overwhelming feeling of "I would die for this human being!" feeling. I was a bit embarrassed to admit it at first because I always hear of people saying when their first child was born "now I know what true love is" or "I've never loved another person as much as I love this child". I didn't feel that way when the twins were born. Don't get me wrong, I loved them. But it wasn't the love that I imagined I would feel/experience. It didn't take very long to feel that way and I think with McCoy's birth, that feeling was more instantaneous. While I was pregnant I was a bit nervous because I was so overwhelmed with just knowing how much a child can change your life. Honestly, I had some of those worries that I wouldn't be able to love him as much as I love his brothers. But boy was I wrong. This little boy has stolen my heart over the last month. I know it sounds cliche but I don't know what we did without him. The big boys have definitely kept us busy but now, our family just feels more whole than it did before even though I didn't know it was missing anything. Who knew!? Kids are such an amazing blessing and if we could afford it, I would have 10 running around our house. I don't know if Zach would agree but I would love to have a huge family. Maybe one day :)

I cannot believe how fast this first month has flown by. In a way it seems like it has flown by but in another sense, it feels like McCoy has been a part of our family forever. I seriously can't imagine life without him. Our days were already pretty chaotic but nowadays they are even more crazy. Its a good thing that I'm not a germaphobe or neat freak because I would have already gone crazy if I was. Our house is rarely…okay, its never clean or even neat these days (Ha! Who am I kidding? It never was before either) but we definitely have fun. I seriously have the best job in the world. I cannot imagine my days consisting of doing anything other than being with my boys. Some days are hard...really hard, but those boys bring me so much joy and I am so thankful that I get to be there for every milestone.  

Gobble 'til You Wobble!

I was planning on adding about a million pictures I've taken over the last month but it was going to take me forever so I'm settling for adding just a couple. I plan to post another blog with his birth story and more hospital pictures later. Maybe I'll get around to doing it before next month's update.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

39 Weeks! We made it!

I'm going to go ahead and apologize for this post. I rushed writing it so it rambles and doesn't make a whole lot of sense but I've got to get up at 3:45am and I knew if I didn't finish and post it, it may be 2 months before I post again. I'm not even going to proof read it at all so please ignore the terrible grammar errors I'm sure are throughout. Please bear with me ;)

Well, we made it! The day has (almost) come. I can't believe I'm saying it but in less than 12 hours, we will be a family of five. I have so many emotions flooding over me right now. I'm exhausted, excited, anxious, happy, nervous, relaxed, sad, frustrated, content, plus some. I'm excited to meet this little guy but in no way do I feel ready. I have been preparing for months yet tonight I feel like I'm running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to do the last minute stuff that I didn't manage to get done earlier in the weekend. I feel pretty calm about the whole surgery thing but I know that things can always happen so I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for the unknown. I don't remember feeling like this the day I had the boys but with that being said, I didn't know I was going to have them that day. I was told at about 11:30am that they would be born that afternoon and by 5:37pm I had two beautiful little boys. This time around, I've had weeks, months to get anxious lol. I had planned a very relaxing yet productive weekend but feel like I did more sitting than doing. I think the reality of it all is just hitting me and I'm realizing that I have prepared myself as much as I could. Now it's just the last minute things that I've got to accomplish and that just feels weird. 95% of my lists that I've been scouring over for the last several months have been checked off and I'm just not sure what to do with myself. I'm an obsessive list-maker so when my lists have all been checked off, I feel a bit lost. 

39 Weeks!

How big is baby? BabyCenter says he is "a bit over 7lbs and about 20 inches long" which is about the size of a mini watermelon. At my OB appointment Tuesday, I was measuring "40+ weeks" according to the doctor so I guess we'll find out for real tomorrow morning. Eek!

Total weight gain? Honestly, I haven't weighed since last week. At my doctor appointment Tuesday their scale read that I had lost a pound over the previous week but I have no idea how that happened. I haven't had as much of an appetite but I can also tell that I'm retaining a lot more fluid so who knows. 

What is baby up to? His movements have slowed down a good bit but  when he does move, they're fairly painful because he always seems to find my ribs or press on my sore ab muscles that have been shoved way over to the side. I remember when I was pregnant with the boys, my sides were so sore I could barely stand to have an ultrasound done because that little bit of pressure was terribly painful. It's not quite that sensitive this time around but I definitely recall this pain.

Started showing yet? Oh yea. I was so glad when I could tell people "I'm due next week" or "any day now". 

Maternity clothes? Well sure. Most of my maternity tee shirts just barely reach all the way down underneath my belly to hide the band on my maternity shorts lol. It's really cute. I just hope this boy is as big as the doctor seems to think he'll be so that I'll have an excuse for this massive belly. Otherwise I'm going to be a little embarrassed haha.

Stretch marks? I noticed a few small, shorts ones on my tummy this last week.

Sleep? It's pretty tough. I have a lot of trouble getting comfy plus having to get up to pee every hour throughout the night makes it even worse. Last night I slept pretty well from about 11pm-2am when I got up to potty. I felt super sleepy but I had a lot of trouble falling back to sleep. The last time I looked at the time was 3:30am but I'm pretty sure I was up for a little while after that. I can't just lounge in the bed these days either. It's just not comfy enough.

Best moment this week? Having our families here and knowing we will be meeting our sweet boy tomorrow! 

Miss anything? Comfort. Sleep. Being able to cuddle my big boys without holding them way over to the side to accommodate little brother. 

Feeling movement yet? He's definitely slowed down but he's still pretty active. He's probably thankful his brothers stretched his swimming pool out so he'd have plenty of room to swim.

Food cravings? Breakfast, ice cold water. I drink so much water throughout the day. I'm seriously panicking because I'm not allowed to have anything to eat or drink after midnight and I usually drink 32+oz throughout the night. 

Food aversions? Nothing really. The last few days I have been trying to avoid spicy foods and anything that might upset my tummy. I'm hoping to avoid any GI gas after surgery. 

Symptoms? Everything. The typical fatigue. I can't stay cool and this SW Florida heat is not helping. Our highs are still in the high 80s to low 90s. That's the only thing I miss about New Jersey lol. I've also started retaining more fluid. You can't really tell by looking at my feet but I can tell they're puffy. They just have that tingly feeling. And my hands and face are more swollen too. Hello triple chins (since I already had a double chin)

Anything making me queasy or nauseous? Not really but I have had increased heartburn. 

Signs of labor? None. When I went to my OB appointment Tuesday he checked my cervix and said it has softened a little but still no dilation and baby still wasn't engaged. I'm pretty sure my body just doesn't believe in labor. If it can make it 37+ weeks with twins and 38+ weeks with a large singleton without anything more than slight softening, I'd say it doesn't believe in labor. 

Rings, on or off? Still been wearing one when I leave home but just this weekend my hands have been extra puffy so they've been more tight than usual.

Mood? Decent. A little extra irritable but nothing too extreme I don't think. 

Looking forward to anything? Tomorrow morning :) I can't wait to meet this little guy that I've gotten to know on the inside for the last 9 months. I'm looking forward to seeing what he looks like, how big he is, what his big brothers think of him. Just having another sweet baby to love is exciting. Most people can't imagine loving their second as much as their first but since we got two at once the first time, we know that it IS possible to love your second (or third) just as much as your first (two). Smith and Sanford have taught me so much about what true love is and I can't wait to share that love with another sweet boy!

37 Weeks (Twins) vs. 39 Weeks (Singleton)

38 Weeks vs. 39 Weeks

It's not the best picture considering we were all four exhausted and the boys (all three of them) were really ready to go to bed but I just had to have a final picture of us as a family of four. (See, I told you I look a LOT bigger from the front)

Clearly he was less than thrilled that I insisted he stay up to take a few pictures but I figure his grumpiness was a small price to pay to have memories forever lol.

I know I already said it but I just can't believe we're already here. I am so overwhelmed with emotions. I almost feel like I'm not ready and that he should stay in for a little while longer. Most women at this point are begging to deliver but not me. I think I could do it a little while longer. I'm so excited but I'm also so anxious lol. It's a really weird feeling that I can't really explain but no matter what I'm feeling, we're having a baby tomorrow so I guess I better get ready lol. Please pray for a safe delivery for us tomorrow. Also for a healthy baby and mommy and that its a smooth transition to the outside world for this little guy. I pray that he is healthy, that he nurses well, and that we get lots of bonding time. I also pray that over the coming days, weeks, and months that Smith and Sanford transition into their new roll as big brothers smoothly and that they go easy on their mommy :) Tomorrow is the big day and we are so excited!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

38 Weeks! One more week!

Lord willing, we've still got one more weekly bump picture to take before our sweet little baby boy makes his arrival next week. When I woke up this morning and realized that today I am 38 weeks, I couldn't believe it. It's a week that I didn't see when I was pregnant with the boys. It's a number that I couldn't really fathom. It just seems a little odd to make it to 38 weeks but I am so thankful to still be carrying this boy in my belly. This pregnancy has been such a blessing and now we are so close to the finish line. Life has been a little crazy lately with Zach's job being so close to the end, not knowing where we will be in the next month or so, and with the boys being so active and aware of everything around them. They are so smart and inquisitive yet still so babyish  Or at least I like to think they are. Sometimes I find myself thinking "we're not ready" but then I think "We've got this! We've done this before!" It was crazy when the boys were born and we made it through. I mean heck, we we're living in New Jersey and had no idea where we would be living a month after they were born. The boys and I left NJ when they were 4 weeks old and stayed in Birmingham for a couple of weeks until Zach could get everything finished up in NJ and then get our stuff, vehicles, dogs, etc to Houston and find a house. Then the boys and I made our way west when they were about 6 weeks old. It was a crazy unpredictable time but we made it and I know it will all work out this time too. It always does. Sometimes I feel a little guilty because this pregnancy hasn't gotten the same attention that the last one did but that doesn't mean we're not equally as excited. I think that with your first pregnancy, there is so much preparation that goes into it that it seems the next one isn't as big of a deal. And in a way it's not which may sound awful but I keep reminding myself that even though there may not be as much pomp and circumstance going on, we are still super excited and love him so much already. It just means we don't have to buy a butt load of baby equipment and clothes but instead get to spend all of our money on the not so fun stuff such as diapers and wipes lol. This kid is going to be so loved and with each and every day that passes, I get even more excited about his arrival. I can't wait to meet him, to hold him, to kiss and hug him, to smell his baby smell. I can't wait to see his daddy with him. He has such an awesome daddy who works so hard to provide for his growing family and then comes home every day and loves on his boys like he's been waiting all day for that very moment. I am so blessed to have such an awesome partner in this thing called parenthood. I also can't wait to see Smith and Sanford with him. They're not going to know what hit them but I know that they will be great big brothers. I hope the three of them grow up to be the best of friends. I have a feeling that they will. It's hard to imagine us as a family of 5 but I can't wait to see what that looks like. Just a little over a week and it'll become a reality. What a crazy blessed life I lead!

38 Weeks

How big is baby? Baby Center says at 38 weeks he is about 6.8lbs and is over 19.5inches (about the size of a leek). I know fundal height can't really measure how big the actual baby is but at my 37 week appointment this past Tuesday, my belly was measuring 40 weeks already.

Total weight gain? At my appointment Tuesday I had gained another pound. So I think that makes it 46lbs total.

What is baby up to? Just making me more and more uncomfortable. What I assume is his head on my bladder and his feet in my ribs. He's still pretty active but has definitely slowed down. Instead of hard jabs, his movements feel more like stretching and shifting. My ribs are really starting to get sore and stretched out.

Started showing yet? When a random stranger lady yells across the Cracker Barrel parking lot "huge belly!", I'd say my belly is big (seriously! Who says that to a stranger!?". It is officially "Season" down here in SW Florida which means the 60+ population has at least doubled over the last few weeks. With all of these extra Snow Birds in town, there are a LOT more people who have things to say about how big my belly is and how close to popping I must be. 

Maternity clothes? Clothes are becoming less comfortable now so the less I can get away with wearing the better. Let's just say, pants aren't my favorite article of clothing at the moment lol. But don't worry, I don't leave the house without them.

Stretch marks? I've noticed a few that I'm not sure if they're new or leftovers from when I was expecting the boys. My skin definitely doesn't feel like it's stretched to the max like it did last time so that's good.

Sleep? Definitely getting more difficult. Its tough getting comfortable when you can only lay in one single position. My right side is probably flattened from me having to sleep on that side the entire pregnancy. I look forward to being able to sleep on my back and hopefully my sciatica will subside some pretty soon. I've dealt with constant sciatic pain for the last probably 10 years but pregnancy really magnifies it.

Best moment this week? Zach's job is nearing the end (Praise The Lord!!) which means he is having to work even more so family time is in very short supply. But he was able to get a little time off this afternoon so that we could take the boys to a pumpkin patch. It definitely wasn't anything like the pumpkin patches back home which was a bit disappointing but we had fun. Best part was it was pretty small so this big momma didn't have to do a lot of walking. Then we ate lunch at Cracker Barrel which is always good!

Miss anything? I enjoy being pregnant but lately I've been missing my "flat" stomach (and I use the term "flat" loosely).  It's really difficult to cuddle my boys in my lap when there is no lap. Sanford has had a few nights over the last week where he has had trouble going to sleep at night which means if we get Sanford up for cuddles, Smith insists on extra cuddles too. Its definitely not like them to not go straight to sleep when we put them into bed but honestly, I've loved all of the extra snuggles. But, its really tough for me to hold one of the boys (or both if they both insist on Mommy time at the same time) AND being able to breathe with almost 30lbs pressing on my belly. 

Feeling movement yet? Mostly doing a lot of shifting and stretching with an occasional jab here and there. 

Food cravings? Breakfast (eggs, grits, bacon, biscuits, pancakes, etc), strawberry lemonade. I'm pretty much always thirsty too. I think its safe to say I probably drink 150oz a day, most of that being water. I'm not sure I'll be able to survive the "nothing to drink after midnight" order the night before my c-section.

Food aversions? Nothing really.

Symptoms? Mostly just discomfort. I've had to really take it easy these last couple of weeks because when I'm up doing stuff, I pay for it for a few days. Just doing simple household chores wears me out and puts me out of commission for a couple of days. I end up being really sore and exhausted. Good thing I'm okay with "letting the house go" lol. The round ligament pain is fun too. Just something simple like getting out of the car or standing up from being seated can make those round ligaments cramp up and make it feel like I've got a charlie horse in the bottom of my belly. No fun!

Anything making me queasy or nauseous? Not that I can think of.

Signs of labor? Not that I can tell. At my doctor appointment last Tuesday, the doctor said "Now you know the signs of labor and when to come in, right?" I told him "I know what they are on paper but I've never experienced a single contraction or anything so I have no idea what it feels like." Hopefully I don't go into labor before my scheduled section next week. 

Rings, on or off? One ring on when I leave the house. Otherwise, nothing.

Mood? As far as I can tell, it's been pretty good. I have my emotional moments and definitely my impatient moments but my mood has definitely been more level than it was my last pregnancy.

Looking forward to anything? I can't wait to hold this sweet baby boy and see his brothers with him. They haven't really been around a baby in a long time. I know they will be great but I'm still curious to see their reaction.

37 Weeks vs. 38 Weeks
I can't decide if I'm carrying lower or if it's just the stripes.

Since I had the boys at 37 weeks, I don't have a Twins vs. Singleton comparison picture this week.

Daddy pulling the wagon. 

The weather was nice today. Overcast and cooler than usual (about 85*). They love riding around and people watching.

Fascinated by the pumpkins.

I'm looking rather awkward but glad we got a family picture. Those hay bales were a lot lower than they appear and momma can't fold up like that these days. I'm surprised I was able to get up without assistance.

Playing checkers at Cracker Barrel. These two are so full of joy. They just love doing things together. I pray that never changes.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

37 Weeks!

Wow! 37 weeks! I know I say it every week but I just can't believe we're here already. It's hard to believe that at this point in my pregnancy with the boys, I was 2 days away from delivery but didn't even know it. I remember crying every night for probably the last week because I was so uncomfortable. I remember asking my mom "can my stomach rip open from the inside?". Everything in there was literally just stretched to the max and I really didn't think that it would be able to stretch anymore without something tearing. It was awful yet awesome at the same time. It was terribly painful but it was awesome that my body had been able to carry those boys for that long. This pregnancy has been no different. Although it may have been a bit easier, I am still amazed at what a woman's body can do. I am amazed that even though my body is worn out from carrying Smith and Sanford, it has also been able to carry this sweet baby boy as well with zero complications. I have a doctor appointment Tuesday so I'll be anxious to see how everything looks. I went for my 37 week appointment with the twins at 37+2 and when they did an ultrasound, they saw that Sanford, who had been Baby B (furthest from my cervix) the whole pregnancy, had actually shifted down to become Baby A and that his feet and cord were right by my cervix. I had not had my cervix checked since 20 weeks because they didn't want to encourage labor in a high risk twin pregnancy. So, since they didn't know what the condition of my cervix was, they decided it would be best to do my c-section that afternoon. Although once I was admitted, they checked my cervix and according to the doctor, it had not budged since my 20 week check but they still decided to deliver them since labor can move quickly so late in a pregnancy and they didn't want to risk cord prolapse. They sent me straight to labor and delivery (we arrived at 12noon exactly) and the boys were born at 5:35pm and 5:37pm. Hopefully we won't have a repeat of last time lol. We're praying for a long cervix, no dilation, and an unengaged baby. We need this boy to keep cooking for another couple of weeks!

37 Weeks

(I feel like although my belly looks huge from the side, it looks even bigger from the front)

How big is baby? BabyCenter says he weighs about 6lbs5oz and a little over 19 inches long (about the size of a bunch of Swiss chard…whatever that is.) Assuming I'm still measuring about 2 weeks ahead, an average baby at 39 weeks weighs over 7lbs and about 20 inches long. Smith and Sanford were born at 37+2 and were 7lbs10oz and 6lbs15oz and being twins, babies usually don't get as big as they would if they were a singleton. So if this boy is anything like his brothers, he's probably bigger than what Baby Center says. He definitely seems bigger than 6lbs5oz. I guess we'll find out in a couple of weeks. 

Total weight gain? Crap! I weighed this morning so I could add it to the blog and now I've totally forgotten what the scale said lol. I think I've gained maybe another pound so I think that puts me at 45lbs. I'll be interested to see what the scale at my doctor's office says when I go Tuesday since last week it said I had lost a pound in 2 weeks. 

What is baby up to? I think his movements are becoming less frequent BUT that doesn't mean they're not violent. They hurt! He's really done a number on my bladder lately. There's been several times that I thought he was going to make me pee on myself. I seriously go pee every 30 minutes because I'm afraid if my bladder gets full at all that he will hit it just right and I'll be changing my own breeches instead of one of his brothers'. 

Started showing yet? Obviously this question is pointless. Most everyone assumes I'm having twins. I like to think it is because since we already have twins, they assume we are going to have a second set (which is highly likely once you have a set of fraternal twins but that is a totally different conversation). But I'm pretty sure everyone thinks that because my belly is so big. Oh well. Little bud just has more room to swim than the average baby. 

Maternity clothes? Most of my shirts are too short. For this pregnancy, I didn't really want to buy an entire new maternity wardrobe since just 2 years ago I bought an entire winter maternity wardrobe that I can't wear now because even though it is mid-October, our highs everyday are still 90*. So I bought a few pairs of shorts and a bunch of tee shirts that I think are meant to get you through the early days of pregnancy. Well, that's all I've worn my entire pregnancy. I rarely get out of the house and when I do, its miserably hot so I don't care to look "cute" while sweating profusely. So, all of those tee shirts have gotten plenty of wear and most have shrunk a bit because I'm too lazy to dry them on anything less than high heat. No, it might not be cute but oh well.

Stretch marks? Still don't think I've got any news ones.

Sleep? I have to get up to pee on average about 6 times from the time I get in bed until I get up with the boys in the morning. That's not counting the initial potty trip while getting ready for bed and the one when I get up to tend to the boys and go straight to the bathroom. So, with all of those trips to the bathroom, my sleep gets interrupted pretty frequently throughout the night. Between trips I sleep pretty well but it does usually take me a little while to fall back to sleep which is frustrating. Its also tough because being pregnant, obviously I can't sleep on my stomach or my back and with my sciatica, I can't sleep on my left side. So my right side sees a lot of sleep time which means I wake up pretty sore every morning. I'll be glad when I don't have a big ol' baby, placenta, and sack of fluid crowding my lungs so I can at least sleep on my back. TMI? Sorry.

Best moment this week? This week was pretty uneventful but after an emotional week last week, this week was a welcome change. Even though Zach works his tail off all day every day, he has really stepped up in helping me. He realizes that I just can't do much these days other than taking care of the boys, who are a full time job and he has been so understanding and hasn't complained a bit. We all loaded up into the truck yesterday evening, dogs included, and drove around until we found a big nice pond. We dropped the tailgate and let the dogs swim and chase the tennis ball and each other. Zach and I sat on the tailgate and talked while the boys napped in the truck. Then, Zach gave the dogs a much needed bath while I watched lol. Even as little time as they spend outside in the yard because of the heat, they get so dusty and gross. We had a late dinner at Five Guys where Smith talked to a family behind us the entire time and Sanford just stared rather rudely lol. I've been having a whole lot of pain these last few days, probably due to just being on my feet and doing too much. Zach got up with the boys this morning, turned off the monitor, and turned on white noise on my phone so I could keep sleeping. I got an extra hour to hour and a half in the bed this morning and it was awesome. He got the boys up, changed diapers, fed them breakfast, gave them baths, got them ready for church (I guess he thought I had an alarm set but typically the boys are my alarm), swept and mopped the "dog room" (our front living room is where the dogs spend the majority of their time so that's where 90% of their hair ends up), and then put the boys down for their morning nap. All that before I even got out of bed. It was magical and I don't think I can tell him thank you enough. We had planned to go to church but like I said, I didn't set an alarm and I guess he felt bad waking me up. To be honest, I wasn't really feeling like I could do all the walking involved with going to our church. I was in some serious pain and just walking across the house was miserable today. I think homeboy has shifted once again which is putting a ton of pressure on my pelvis and as soon as I stand up and all that weight shifts to my hips, it hurts. (Geez, how much complaining can I do?) 

Miss anything? Sleeping on my back and being able to kick my leg over to where I'm halfway on my side and halfway on my tummy. It gets old sleeping in the same position every. single. night. Also, I miss my lap. I haven't really been able to comfortably hold my babies for weeks. Yea, we make do but it's just not the same. 

Feeling movement yet? Oh yea. He's still pretty active but has slowed down a bit. Maybe due to running out of room. The movements he does muster up are pretty intense though. My belly regularly "dances" so much that it takes my breath away. And I don't mean because it's so cool. It literally takes the breath away from me.

Food cravings? Both pregnancies I have really loved breakfast food. I wouldn't say I "crave" it but when Zach gives me the option of choosing where to eat, IHOP is usually at the top of my list. Ice cream is usually a safe bet too.

Food aversions? Nothing really. 

Symptoms? Where to begin. I feel like I have been so whiney lately. I'm to the point where I don't want to push my body too hard because I know that at any time, too much could push me into labor and I'm just not ready for this boy to be stateside yet. He's got some more cooking to do in there. I've been feeling pretty good over the last few weeks but just these last few days have been tough. I was feeling awesome the other day so I got cocky. Cocky enough to get myself and the boys ready to go to my bi-weekly women's bible study for 3 hours, then took them to Chick Fil A by myself for lunch which was fine and was uneventful but being 36+ weeks pregnant in this heat, getting two almost 30lb 17+ month olds out of the truck and into the restaurant, ordering our food while still keeping them from wandering off with some random stranger, getting them into high chairs and fed. Then dealing with throwing away trash and cleaning up after ourselves, then back to the car carrying one because he just wasn't in the mood to walk. Thankfully his brother was pumped about walking. Then getting them both strapped into their car seats. Again, SW Florida HEAT! Then, if that wasn't tiring enough, we went to Target to grab a few things. I was actually feeling pretty great until about 30 minutes into our trip. Then all of the sudden it felt like this child was going to fall through the bottom of my tummy. Its no joke when each side of your ab muscles haven't been closer to each other than 3 inches in about 2 years. By the time we got home, I was so spent, I didn't know if I was going to make it inside lol. Thankfully, Zach was able to come home at a decent time that day so it took a little bit of the load off. I think we had leftovers that night because my butt was NOT standing in front of the stove for any length of time. Friday, I woke up and actually felt pretty good again. I'm still not sure how but I was determined to take advantage of it. So, I decided to do about 5 loads of laundry, do some random nesting tasks that seem irrelevant to anyone else but I felt really good about getting it done, and cleaned the kitchen. I even took a long hot shower before Zach got home. It was a good day. I guess those two days are why the last 2 have been pretty miserable. Needless to say, I doubt I'll be so ambitious again for at least the next month or so lol.

Anything making me queasy or nauseous? Not really. Just my sense of smell is off so random things kind of gross me out. 

Signs of labor? Nothing. Thank goodness. 2 more weeks!

Rings, on or off? One ring on when I leave the house. Otherwise, nothing.

Mood? Its been a little up and down but thinking back to my last pregnancy, I don't feel like it has been ANYWHERE near as bad as last time.

Looking forward to anything? I'm looking forward to having this sweet baby boy! I'm looking forward to Zach's job being over! I'm looking forward to seeing family very soon! There's going to be a lot happening over the next 2 months and I'm looking forward to it all.

36 Weeks vs. 37 Weeks


37 Weeks (Twins) vs. 37 Weeks (Singleton)

I know it's just because my body is still so stretched out from my last pregnancy but I can't help but laugh at how similar my comparison belly pictures look each week. There was a lot more baby in there last time yet my belly wasn't THAT much bigger. Yikes! I did look pretty miserable though.

Here's a picture from our lunch date to Chick Fil A. They were too into eating their chicken to humor Mom in taking a picture.

Smith being crazy and lounging with Mommy on the couch.

These boys learned how to be lazy from the best. They're mommy would win a gold medal if it were an Olympic sport!