Saturday, September 20, 2014

5 Months Update!

5. Months. Old.

I know I say [type] it every month but seriously, can they really be 5 months old!?!?! I was holding Sanford the other day and he was standing up in my lap and all I could think was "where did my babies go?" Their little personalities have really begun to take shape over the last month or so and even though it makes me a little sad that they're growing so quickly, I just love watching them grow into little men. I am so crazy about these boys! Their smiles, giggles, sweet voices, sticky hands, drool soaked clothes, even stinky diapers just put the biggest smile on my face. Even though I get a little antsy being at home all of the time, I am so thankful to have such a wonderful husband who works his tail off so that I can stay at home with them day in and day out. I know so many mommies who would love to be able to do what I do and I hope to never take that for granted. Being a mommy is everything I hoped it would be and so much more. 

Sanford Tate

Nickname: "Sannnn-fuuuuuhd", "Brotherrrr"

Weight: At our 4 month check up (3 weeks ago) I was 15lbs 13oz.

Height/Length: 25 inches

What have I been up to lately?
- I am always smiling.
- I am usually very patient. So much so that Brother usually get's to start his bottle first, gets a clean diaper first, gets tended to first, etc.
- Even though I used to hate doing tummy time, I now prefer to be on my belly. I even prefer to sleep on my belly.
- I am rolling and scooting everywhere. I like to do laps around my crib and pack-n-play.
- I pull everything into my mouth and drool constantly.
- I love to "plank" or "Superman".
- I am VERY strong. I can stand all the way up from lying down if you hold my hands and give me a little pull. I will also stand for several minutes at a time with very little help.
- I am really really close to sitting up on my own.
- I haven't taken a Wubbanub (paci) in weeks.
- Sometimes I have a little trouble winding down to go to sleep at bedtime but once I'm asleep, I can sleep 12+ hours easy. I get it from my Mommy. She usually has to wake me up to eat in the morning because Brother (still) almost always wakes up first. 
- I am reaching and grabbing at anything and everything. I try to hold my own bottle and help Mommy spoon feed me my cereal and fruit too. 
- I wasn't too sure what to think about plain cereal but when mommy adds a little fruit to it I like it a little better. Its still not my favorite but I'm getting there. 
- I almost always spit up after I eat. And it is usually a good bit. I'm just making sure Mommy doesn't forget how to do laundry.

Smith Taylor

Nickname: "Smiffy", "Brother", "Tubby", "Tubba-Tub"

Weight: At our 4 month check-up I weighed 17 lbs. 

Height/Length: 25 inches

What have I been up to lately:
- Although I learned how to roll over about a month ago, I didn't actually start doing it regularly until this last week. I still don't do it a whole lot but I am becoming more and more mobile with each passing day.
- I still looooove my mommy. I am a momma's boy through and through.
- I am still the more impatient one of the two of us. Mommy knows that as soon as she sits me down to feed me, I'm going to get upset quick. She's got it down to a science though. She can sit me down on my Boppy, tuck a burp cloth under my chin, stick my bottle through my handy dandy bottle pillow thing, and get the bottle to my mouth in about 5 seconds. Pretty impressive even though I still give her a hard time. What can I say? I like to eat.
- I am a very happy baby, smiling and giggling more and more, but I am still bossy.
- I love the sound of my own voice. I love to squeal, especially in the evening.
- I used to love my Wubbanub (paci) but recently I have lost interest and only take it occasionally.

What have we been up to lately?

- We set up our other crib so now we have lots of room to ourselves. We were sleeping 10-12 hours a night at 3 months old but as we got older (and bigger) we started waking each other up during the night and really early in the morning. As soon as Mommy and Daddy separated us we started sleeping through the night again and have been since. We love having all that room!
- We have started eating cereal and fruit this month. We started out eating just cereal and eventually moved to bananas. Now we're eating applesauce mixed with cereal too. Mommy bought us some pears but hasn't had a chance to cook them up for us yet. (Hopefully they don't go bad before she gets around to it :) )
- Daddy says both boys are just like Mommy; Sanford is Mommy's goofy side and Smith is Mommy's stubborn, demanding side. She agrees even though she won't admit it to Daddy.
- We are interacting more and more with each other these days. Sometimes we talk to each other and giggle at each other. It's pretty much the cutest thing ever.
- We have really started to take an interest in our toys lately.
- We love our puppies. They make us laugh! Especially when they give us kisses.
- We took our first trip to Auburn a few weeks ago. We met up with Mommy and Daddy's friends Jim and Kendell and their little girl, Ella. Daddy and Jim went to the game while us kids stayed with our mommies and spent the day at our Uncle Kevin and Aunt Julie's house in Auburn. There were lots of other kids there and everyone wanted to hold us. We didn't mind but were worn out by the end of the day. It was a really quick trip but we had fun visiting our future alma mater. War Eagle!
- We got to spend the night with Lolli & Poppi the first couple of nights and then went to Momma Rose & HeDaddy's lake house before we came back to Texas. We can't wait to go back!

It was really hot but we had to get some pictures in front of the Auburn University sign.

The whole group.

In front of Samford Hall.

Our sweet little family in front of Samford.

Zach and Jim in their seats not long before the storm rolled in.

Their view. Not too shabby.
Our cousin Caroline is going to be a big sister pretty soon so she was getting some practice.

At the Lake before we headed to the airport.

Group picture on the dock. We were sad to be leaving.

Our first time trying cereal. The pictures on the left are their first reactions and the pictures on the right are what they thought after a few bites. Obviously one enjoyed it more than the other.

This boy always has to be doing something with his hands. He kept either grabbing his feet or trying to help me spoon feed him so I gave him his own spoon to hold. It did the trick for a little while.

This boy loves to eat.

Such big boys.

Sanford may not be a huge fan of cereal but he loves to smile.

That cereal must have had Benadryl in it because this boy passed out in the middle of his lunch.

Smith is enjoying having lots of room in his own bed.

Sanford doesn't seem to mind either. Afterall, he is the wiggle worm.

That darn arm just wouldn't stay in his PJs.

Smithy playing in his bed.

Wearing our red, white, and blue in honor of Patriot Day. We may not be old enough to remember but we will never forget.

Enjoying the Houston heat.

After church with Mommy.

Smithy says its nap time.

Sleepy boy.

Having fun playing in our room.

15 minutes later and Smith is still going strong but Sanford is down for the count.


Sanford "planking" - He can, and does, hold this position for 5+ minutes at time. 


In the last month, the boys have both grown so much. We have quickly moved into that "fun age". Not that before this last month they weren't fun, but they interact soooo much more nowadays and that makes it more and more fun. I can't believe that in less than a month, I will have two SIX MONTH OLDS! It just doesn't seem real. Until then...