Thursday, March 3, 2016

McCoy James :: 4 Months

McCoy James :: 4 Months

My baby boy is getting so big! I absolutely love to look back at pictures of him from when he was born all the way up until now and see how much he has grown and changed. Some changes I recognize every day but others I don't notice them until I compare pictures to him now. This little boy is the sweetest, most laid back, happiest, smiliest, little boy. He just fits so perfectly into our little family!

Nickname: Daddy dubbed him "Biggun" very early on and so far it has stuck. Mommy calls him McCoy Boy but Biggun definitely wins out.
Weight: 17lbs10oz (80th percentile)
Height: 26 inches (85th percentile)

What has Biggun been up to lately?

- The boy still hasn't rolled over lol. He sleeps on his tummy and has since he was just a couple of weeks old so I think that it is his comfort zone. He likes to be on his belly so he doesn't have as much of a desire to roll to his back. He's getting really close but just hasn't made that final push. 

- He smiles almost constantly. If someone talks to him he gets the biggest, goofiest grin on his face. He's just so happy.

- He has grown out of his 6 month clothes, his 9 month stuff fits snug, and 12 month stuff fits well.

- He is in size 3 diapers and has been for almost a month. I was looking through our diaper stockpile today and realized we have a ton of size 3s and I'm thinking he will probably be moving up to size 4 in the near future. Looks like I may have to swap them for a bigger size lol.

- Everyone talks about the "Big 4 month sleep regression" but to be honest, I'm not really sure if he has gone through one or not. He's still been ready to go to bed by 8pm but lately he has been waking up at about 6-6:30am to eat instead of 7:30am. The last several days he has been wanting to eat a little more often (every 2-2.5 hours instead of every 3). I'm not sure if its a regression/growth spurt or what. 

- He's still sleeping in the pack-n-play in the playroom right outside our bedroom door. I really think he would sleep a little longer if he were in his own room but typical Maleah fashion, I haven't gotten that room converted from a guest room to a nursery. Now that the bed is in the big boys' room you'd think it'd be an easier transition but I just keep putting it off. Slowly but surely I'll get it done…I hope lol.

- All of the ladies in the nursery at church love him. They argue over who gets to snuggle him. I went to my women's bible study last thursday and when I came in to get him to nurse him, one of the ladies was sitting out front with him passed out across her chest. I asked if he had been fussing because why else would she have him out of the room? She said "no, I just wanted to cuddle him." lol. When I told her I needed to feed him I legit didn't think she was going to hand him over. She acted like she was so upset to give him back and asked if she could hold him again when I got done feeding him lol. 

- When he is ready to go to bed, he's ready to go to bed! The other night I was nursing him as I always do before he goes to bed. We had stayed out a little later than usual so I knew he was pretty tired. He started freaking out like he was in pain. I figured it was gas so I gave him some gas drops and tried burping him. Didn't help. I got up and walked around with him and he calmed down. I tried to nurse him again and he freaked out again. When I finally got him calmed down again, I got him ready for bed and put him down. He was asleep in no time. Poor buddy wasn't hungry, he just wanted his bed!

- He has started laughing more. He used to just smile really big and goofy when someone made a face at him or a funny sound but now he will actually let out a big chuckle. Its pretty cute!

- He is putting everything in his mouth. His hands, his blankets, his lovie, everything. He just loves to chew.

- He loves his jumper.

- He loves when his big brothers talk to him. Today I even caught Sanford holding his hand and holding a toy in front of his face for him to look at. Be still my heart!

- He loves to stand up.

His typical day looks something like this:

6:00am - nurse, back to sleep
9:00am - nurse, play
10:30am - nap (in his swing)
12:00pm - nurse, play
1:30pm - nap (in his swing)
3:00pm - nurse, play
5:30pm - nurse, play
7:30pm - nurse
8:00pm - night night

**I didn't want him to get accustomed to always napping in his swing but its difficult for him to get a good nap in the pack-n-play since its in the room where the boys and I spend all of our time during the day. The swing is right inside our bedroom door which is right off of the living room/playroom so it can still be loud. But at least he doesn't have his brothers climbing in on top of him lol. **

I think I say it every month but even after having 2 kids, I didn't know that my heart could have so much love for yet another child. McCoy has brought so much joy and love to our family. He is just such a sweet boy. We have been so blessed to have three such beautiful, healthy, perfect little boys. I can't wait to see what God has in store for each of them. I just hope I don't get to see it too quickly. I'm not ready for them to grow up.

For the last few weeks, in an effort to try to save a little bit of money and to just relax a little more, we have been having picnics after church. We go to a pretty large church and it has very large parking lots with tons of green space. We try to park underneath a tree so that we have some shade (its still pretty hot here…highs of 80*+ this coming week). We eat on the sidewalk and there is plenty of grass for the boys to run around it. We usually bring a ball or something to play with too. We always have such a good time and it makes for a very relaxing afternoon.

Baby boy trying to hang.

Daddy gets diaper duty, Mommy gets nap duty, and Sanford is taking selflies.

Only about the second time the child has ever been in a stroller.

About to pass out after a trip to the park.

Somebody had a good time at the fair.

Always chewing.

Funny brother!

Happy boy.


That smile.

Wore himself out.

Brother kisses.

That's what you call a successful transfer. I needed to try on some clothes and Daddy had the big boys in the stroller. Too bad this nap only lasted for about 2 minutes.

Checking out the books at his 4 month check up.

Worried about those shots lol.