Thursday, February 4, 2016

McCoy James :: 3 Months

McCoy James : 3 Months

These last 3 months have really flown by! McCoy is just growing and changing so much with every day that passes. It's hard to believe but I promise you he gets sweeter and sweeter. There's been a lot of changes going on around here lately but I'll get into that a little later. For now, here's an update on "Biggun".

Nickname: Zach has been calling the boy "Biggun" pretty much since he was born - I can't imagine why - and it has just kind of stuck.
Weight: At his 2 month check-up he was 15lbs 1oz (90th percentile)
Height: 25 1/4in (99th percentile) at his 2 month.

What have I been up to lately?

-I am just such a happy boy. I love to smile, especially when being talked to. A few things that make me happy are someone talking to me, standing up, getting kisses from my big brothers, Mommy singing to me, realizing it's time to eat.

- If/when I do get upset, I poke my bottom lip out and pout before I start to cry.

- I get startled easily and when I do, I make a really scared face and then scream my little heart out. [Just ask my Daddy about that :) ]

- I am very ticklish. Daddy always knows the best (or worst, depending on how you look at it) spots and can really get me chuckling.

-Like I said, I love to stand up. If you want me to smile, letting me stand up is a pretty good way to do it.

- I enjoy bath time. Especially when Mommy pours the warm water over me. 

- I'm still able to wear a few of my 6 month onesies but it's tight. For the most part I'm in 9 month or 12 month clothes. 

- I love to eat and I nurse pretty quickly. I've always been a quick eater. It generally only takes me about 8-10 min on one side before I'm done. Like, stick a fork in me done.

- Most nights I eat at about 8:30-9pm and then sleep until about 7:30am. I would probably sleep later if the dogs weren't so loud when Zach lets them go outside before he leaves for work but oh well. I'm also a good napper throughout the day. Mommy has my routine pretty much down to where I take my longer nap at about 11am and then another later in the afternoon. That way, I sleep while my big brothers are taking their nap at 11:15ish and she can focus on them napping since they're having a bit of trouble lately with their sleeping in general (naps and bedtime).

- I love sucking on my hands and I really love to pull anything I can get my hands on to my mouth to chew on it.

- I'm still sleeping in the pack-n-play in the playroom which is right outside Mommy and Daddy's bedroom door. Mommy says its mostly just because she is too lazy to set up a crib for me to sleep in in the 3rd bedroom but it will probably happen soon so that I can have a little more quiet in the morning.

- I am really close to rolling over from my belly to my back. I've done it by accident a time or two but haven't done it on purpose yet. It won't be long though.

- I love when Mommy wears me in the Lillébaby. My brothers have to ride in that big, cold, hard stroller but I get to get some extra snuggles with Mommy. They're pretty jealous. They just don't know it :)

- I'm not a huge fan of my car seat. Especially after Mommy has been wearing me. I have to go from snuggles to being strapped down. But I do pretty well. Its just not my absolute favorite.

- I'm generally pretty talkative in the evening, especially right before I go to bed for the night.

-*I wish I had been better about keeping up with the big boys' daily routine at each age so I'm going to attempt to keep up with McCoy's*
Right now, his days looks something like this:
7:30am - wake, nurse, play while Mommy gets big brothers up, changed, and they eat breakfast.
9-10:30am- nap (Sometimes he naps in the pack-n-play in the playroom and sometimes in the swing in Mommy and Daddy's room. It all depends on how loud the big boys are being at the time.)
10:30am- nurse
11-1:30pm- nap 
1:30pm- nurse, play
3-4:30pm- nap
4:30pm- nurse, play/hang out while Mommy fixes dinner
6:30pm- nurse, hang out
8:30pm- nurse, talk to Mommy while Daddy puts big brothers to bed
9:00pm- night night

At the end of every monthly post I like to give an update on what has been going on overall for our family and this month is no different. The reason I'm several days late posting is because every time I sit down to write, I get super wordy and just go on and on about nothing at all. The last couple of months have been so full of emotion for me. I feel like I have been so whiny lately and that annoys me. When McCoy was 3-4 weeks old, the big boys started realizing that something just wasn't right. I don't think they were old enough, and still aren't, to realize that their baby brother is what has disrupted what they knew to be "normal" but they knew something was different. They went from acting out by pitching fits throughout the day to pitching fits throughout the day AND at bedtime. Then it turned into mostly fighting bedtime and nap time and then eventually turned into fighting bedtime, nap times, and waking several times a night and being inconsolable. Sanford has had the hardest time. It's funny because when they were itty bitty, we just knew that Smith was going to be the difficult one of the two. He's always been so dramatic and loud with his feelings. But as they get older, we're realizing that Sanford possesses a strong dose of his momma's stubbornness and hard headedness which makes him demand to get his way and if he doesn't then he will pitch a full blown tantrum until A) he gets his way or B) he gets something better. 

After 18 months of being AMAZING sleepers, these two just absolutely lost it. Sanford would even get so mad when we put them to bed that he started climbing out of his crib. Then Smith realized that he could do it also so we had to break down the cribs and move the queen size mattress from the guest room bed to their room. Over the last month, we have had many many tears shed at bedtime and nap time not only by them but also by me. But (knock on wood) I think we have things somewhat figured out. I've got McCoy on a good predictable nap routine  throughout the day and I just figured out this week that maybe if I cut the big boys' naps out completely then maybe they won't fight bedtime as hard (and it seems to be working so far). I really hope no naps will help us get back control of bedtime because it has been physically as well as emotionally draining on all of us.

Having kids really reminds me just how much I need Zach. He is not only my best friend but he is also my perfect teammate. I'm not saying that either of us or our relationship is perfect because we are far from it but that man compliments my every move so perfectly. We make such a great team. It's sickening really ;) The last couple of months have been pretty tough on me emotionally. I have felt more like a failure as a mother than ever but Zach has stepped up and been so supportive and understanding. The Lord knew I would need a partner who was willing to put up with my crazy and to help out when I lose my cool (which is a LOT) and I am so thankful to have him on my team. He has definitely made these rough times bearable and helps me realize that though there have been tough times, we are in this together and that we have to enjoy these moments, good or bad, because they could be gone in an instant.

Sweet blue eyed boy doing tummy time.

Big brothers helping with tummy time. They love to bring him toys and sit with him.

Three beautiful boys in blue.

This is what it really looks like when trying to take his monthly pictures. These two always have to "help" and someone usually ends up screaming because Mommy makes them stand back for all of about 10 seconds.