Saturday, November 30, 2013

WAR EAGLE from New Jersey! It's Iron Bowl Saturday!

17 Weeks 4 Days

How big is baby? About 5 oz (about the size of a turnip) and about 5 inches long from head to bottom.

What is baby up to? Their skeletons are changing from soft cartilage to bone and their umbilical cords are growing stronger and thicker. They can move their joints and their sweat glands are beginning to develop.

Maternity clothes? A definite must these days.

Stretch marks? Probably got more by now. I can feel everything growing and stretching.

Sleep? Carpal tunnel and back/hip pain are still giving me fits but thankfully I have a great husband who encourages my extra sleep. Love him!

Best moment this week? Having lots of company over for Thanksgiving.

Miss anything? Still Sushi. Energy. Diet Mountain Dew.

Feeling movement? Not yet.

Food cravings? Still loving cold cucumbers. Needing lots of water these days as well.

Food aversions? BBQ just doesn't sound very good right now. And Chinese food still doesn't do much for me either.

Started showing yet? HA! 

Gender? Find out in less than 2 weeks. Can't wait to find out with family.

Signs of labor? Nope.

Belly button, in or out? In.

Wedding rings, on or off? On.

Mood? Still changing like the tide.

Looking forward to...? Finding out the genders.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Running usual.

16 Weeks 4 Days

How big is baby? They are both about 4 1/2 inches (head to rump) and 3 1/2 ounces (about the size of an avocado).

What is baby up to this week? In the next few weeks, the babies will double their weight and add inches to his length. Their legs are much more developed, their heads are more erect than it has been, and their eyes have moved closer to the front of his head. Their ears are close to their final position, too. The patterning of their scalp has begun, though their locks aren't recognizable yet. They've even started growing toenails. And there's a lot happening inside as well. For example, their hearts are now pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day, and this amount will continue to increase as they continue to develop.

Maternity Clothes? Still loving them. They're definitely more comfy than regular clothes.

Stretch marks? No different. 

Sleep? Carpal tunnel and back pain pretty much prevent any quality sleep. I always sleep better after Zach goes to work ;)

Best moment this week? Having Zach's family up for Thanksgiving.

Miss anything? Still sushi and endless caffeine. 

Feeling movement? Still nothing yet.

Food cravings? Cucumbers, cooked bell peppers, and ice cream after every meal.

Food aversions? Taco Bell still makes me want to throw up. Chinese too.

Started showing yet? Shoot! A man at the grocery store asked me when I was due this week. First time someone other than family or friends has commented on it. 

Gender? Find out in 3 weeks.

Any signs of labor? Nope. And let's keep it that way!

Belly button, In or Out? In.

Wedding rings, On or Off? On.

Mood? Still really moody and emotional.

Looking forward to...? Thanksgiving dinner!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

TWINS due May 2014

It's true! Zach and I are expecting twins in May 2014. We are so excited we can't stand it. I know I'm a little late to the party but I figure its better late than never to post weekly pictures and facts. So, here it goes.

15 weeks

How big is baby? They are both about 4 in. crown to rump and weigh about 2.5 oz (about the size of an apple).

What is baby up to this week? They're busy moving amniotic fluid through their noses and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in their lungs begin to develop. Their legs are growing longer than their arms now, and they can move all of their joints and limbs. Although their eyelids are still fused shut, they can sense light. If you shine a flashlight at your tummy, for instance, they're likely to move away from the beam. There's not much for your babies to taste at this point, but they are forming taste buds. 

Maternity Clothes? I did my best to wait as long as possible but gave in and bought a couple of pairs of jeans and a few tops. Honestly, I'm loving maternity clothes. They are so comfy and I don't feel guilty about my gut hanging out ;)

Stretch marks? I got some on my belly pretty early on but haven't gotten anymore recently. 

Sleep? The last few weeks I have been having a lot of really weird dreams which keep me from resting very well. My arms have also been falling asleep a lot, in bed and during the day, which makes it hard to get comfortable. My mom had trouble with carpal tunnel during all three of her pregnancies so I guess I shouldn't be too shocked by this. I can't lay on my tummy anymore.

Best moment this week? We went to the doctor earlier this week and got to see and hear the heart beats. I also went to my new doctor here in New Jersey for the first time.

Miss anything? Sushi!!!! 

Feeling movement? Not yet but hope to soon.

Food cravings? Pretty much any fresh produce but mostly cucumbers. I can eat whole cucumbers for every meal.

Food aversions? The thought of Taco Bell and chinese food grosses me out when I'm pregnant but when I'm not pregnant I could eat chinese food several times a week.

Started showing yet? I was showing by 7 or 8 weeks thanks to our two little rascals.

Gender? Don't know yet. I'm going back to the doctor for another ultrasound in a month. We are supposed to find out then. Hopefully they will both cooperate.

Any signs of labor? Nope. And let's keep it that way for at least 20 more weeks.

Belly button, In or Out? In.

Wedding rings, On or Off? On.

Mood? Oh boy. Where do I start? Let's just say my already low level of patience is even lower these days. I can cry at the drop of a hat and I'm pretty sure Zach is getting ready to ship me off until my due date.

Looking forward to...? Finding out the genders next month.