Saturday, November 30, 2013

WAR EAGLE from New Jersey! It's Iron Bowl Saturday!

17 Weeks 4 Days

How big is baby? About 5 oz (about the size of a turnip) and about 5 inches long from head to bottom.

What is baby up to? Their skeletons are changing from soft cartilage to bone and their umbilical cords are growing stronger and thicker. They can move their joints and their sweat glands are beginning to develop.

Maternity clothes? A definite must these days.

Stretch marks? Probably got more by now. I can feel everything growing and stretching.

Sleep? Carpal tunnel and back/hip pain are still giving me fits but thankfully I have a great husband who encourages my extra sleep. Love him!

Best moment this week? Having lots of company over for Thanksgiving.

Miss anything? Still Sushi. Energy. Diet Mountain Dew.

Feeling movement? Not yet.

Food cravings? Still loving cold cucumbers. Needing lots of water these days as well.

Food aversions? BBQ just doesn't sound very good right now. And Chinese food still doesn't do much for me either.

Started showing yet? HA! 

Gender? Find out in less than 2 weeks. Can't wait to find out with family.

Signs of labor? Nope.

Belly button, in or out? In.

Wedding rings, on or off? On.

Mood? Still changing like the tide.

Looking forward to...? Finding out the genders.