Sunday, October 25, 2015

39 Weeks! We made it!

I'm going to go ahead and apologize for this post. I rushed writing it so it rambles and doesn't make a whole lot of sense but I've got to get up at 3:45am and I knew if I didn't finish and post it, it may be 2 months before I post again. I'm not even going to proof read it at all so please ignore the terrible grammar errors I'm sure are throughout. Please bear with me ;)

Well, we made it! The day has (almost) come. I can't believe I'm saying it but in less than 12 hours, we will be a family of five. I have so many emotions flooding over me right now. I'm exhausted, excited, anxious, happy, nervous, relaxed, sad, frustrated, content, plus some. I'm excited to meet this little guy but in no way do I feel ready. I have been preparing for months yet tonight I feel like I'm running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to do the last minute stuff that I didn't manage to get done earlier in the weekend. I feel pretty calm about the whole surgery thing but I know that things can always happen so I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for the unknown. I don't remember feeling like this the day I had the boys but with that being said, I didn't know I was going to have them that day. I was told at about 11:30am that they would be born that afternoon and by 5:37pm I had two beautiful little boys. This time around, I've had weeks, months to get anxious lol. I had planned a very relaxing yet productive weekend but feel like I did more sitting than doing. I think the reality of it all is just hitting me and I'm realizing that I have prepared myself as much as I could. Now it's just the last minute things that I've got to accomplish and that just feels weird. 95% of my lists that I've been scouring over for the last several months have been checked off and I'm just not sure what to do with myself. I'm an obsessive list-maker so when my lists have all been checked off, I feel a bit lost. 

39 Weeks!

How big is baby? BabyCenter says he is "a bit over 7lbs and about 20 inches long" which is about the size of a mini watermelon. At my OB appointment Tuesday, I was measuring "40+ weeks" according to the doctor so I guess we'll find out for real tomorrow morning. Eek!

Total weight gain? Honestly, I haven't weighed since last week. At my doctor appointment Tuesday their scale read that I had lost a pound over the previous week but I have no idea how that happened. I haven't had as much of an appetite but I can also tell that I'm retaining a lot more fluid so who knows. 

What is baby up to? His movements have slowed down a good bit but  when he does move, they're fairly painful because he always seems to find my ribs or press on my sore ab muscles that have been shoved way over to the side. I remember when I was pregnant with the boys, my sides were so sore I could barely stand to have an ultrasound done because that little bit of pressure was terribly painful. It's not quite that sensitive this time around but I definitely recall this pain.

Started showing yet? Oh yea. I was so glad when I could tell people "I'm due next week" or "any day now". 

Maternity clothes? Well sure. Most of my maternity tee shirts just barely reach all the way down underneath my belly to hide the band on my maternity shorts lol. It's really cute. I just hope this boy is as big as the doctor seems to think he'll be so that I'll have an excuse for this massive belly. Otherwise I'm going to be a little embarrassed haha.

Stretch marks? I noticed a few small, shorts ones on my tummy this last week.

Sleep? It's pretty tough. I have a lot of trouble getting comfy plus having to get up to pee every hour throughout the night makes it even worse. Last night I slept pretty well from about 11pm-2am when I got up to potty. I felt super sleepy but I had a lot of trouble falling back to sleep. The last time I looked at the time was 3:30am but I'm pretty sure I was up for a little while after that. I can't just lounge in the bed these days either. It's just not comfy enough.

Best moment this week? Having our families here and knowing we will be meeting our sweet boy tomorrow! 

Miss anything? Comfort. Sleep. Being able to cuddle my big boys without holding them way over to the side to accommodate little brother. 

Feeling movement yet? He's definitely slowed down but he's still pretty active. He's probably thankful his brothers stretched his swimming pool out so he'd have plenty of room to swim.

Food cravings? Breakfast, ice cold water. I drink so much water throughout the day. I'm seriously panicking because I'm not allowed to have anything to eat or drink after midnight and I usually drink 32+oz throughout the night. 

Food aversions? Nothing really. The last few days I have been trying to avoid spicy foods and anything that might upset my tummy. I'm hoping to avoid any GI gas after surgery. 

Symptoms? Everything. The typical fatigue. I can't stay cool and this SW Florida heat is not helping. Our highs are still in the high 80s to low 90s. That's the only thing I miss about New Jersey lol. I've also started retaining more fluid. You can't really tell by looking at my feet but I can tell they're puffy. They just have that tingly feeling. And my hands and face are more swollen too. Hello triple chins (since I already had a double chin)

Anything making me queasy or nauseous? Not really but I have had increased heartburn. 

Signs of labor? None. When I went to my OB appointment Tuesday he checked my cervix and said it has softened a little but still no dilation and baby still wasn't engaged. I'm pretty sure my body just doesn't believe in labor. If it can make it 37+ weeks with twins and 38+ weeks with a large singleton without anything more than slight softening, I'd say it doesn't believe in labor. 

Rings, on or off? Still been wearing one when I leave home but just this weekend my hands have been extra puffy so they've been more tight than usual.

Mood? Decent. A little extra irritable but nothing too extreme I don't think. 

Looking forward to anything? Tomorrow morning :) I can't wait to meet this little guy that I've gotten to know on the inside for the last 9 months. I'm looking forward to seeing what he looks like, how big he is, what his big brothers think of him. Just having another sweet baby to love is exciting. Most people can't imagine loving their second as much as their first but since we got two at once the first time, we know that it IS possible to love your second (or third) just as much as your first (two). Smith and Sanford have taught me so much about what true love is and I can't wait to share that love with another sweet boy!

37 Weeks (Twins) vs. 39 Weeks (Singleton)

38 Weeks vs. 39 Weeks

It's not the best picture considering we were all four exhausted and the boys (all three of them) were really ready to go to bed but I just had to have a final picture of us as a family of four. (See, I told you I look a LOT bigger from the front)

Clearly he was less than thrilled that I insisted he stay up to take a few pictures but I figure his grumpiness was a small price to pay to have memories forever lol.

I know I already said it but I just can't believe we're already here. I am so overwhelmed with emotions. I almost feel like I'm not ready and that he should stay in for a little while longer. Most women at this point are begging to deliver but not me. I think I could do it a little while longer. I'm so excited but I'm also so anxious lol. It's a really weird feeling that I can't really explain but no matter what I'm feeling, we're having a baby tomorrow so I guess I better get ready lol. Please pray for a safe delivery for us tomorrow. Also for a healthy baby and mommy and that its a smooth transition to the outside world for this little guy. I pray that he is healthy, that he nurses well, and that we get lots of bonding time. I also pray that over the coming days, weeks, and months that Smith and Sanford transition into their new roll as big brothers smoothly and that they go easy on their mommy :) Tomorrow is the big day and we are so excited!