Saturday, December 10, 2011

I've been so tense...

I feel like I need to get some things off my chest. When we moved back to Alabama back in January, Zach quickly found a job with Hoar Construction working on the new Children's Hospital in Birmingham. We knew when he got hired that his position as safety coordinator was a temporary position but it was a good job because he could potentially get a more permanent job with Hoar which is a good company. We kept waiting and waiting but never heard anything about a more permanent job so Zach decided to start looking elsewhere.

He got hired on with MJ Harris who is a company based in Birmingham (yay!) who specializes in building health facilities; mostly hospitals. The pay was good and benefits were good but the downfall was that he would have to travel; something that comes with the job for most people in construction. His first assignment would be a hospital in Poplar Bluff, Missouri; about 6 1/2 hours from our house we just bought. The project is supposed to take 13+ months. Before taking the job, we discussed what accepting the job would mean for us. Clearly, both of us would like for me to travel with Zach wherever his job takes him but realistically, I just can't. If I ever want to have a real career, other than a Pharmacy Tech at Walgreens, I have to get my degree. I decided a while back that I want to do special education. I have always had a heart for people with disabilities but have always been discouraged away from it. I realize that if I don't go back to school now, I probably never will. So, as nervous as it makes me, my plan is to go to Wallace State in Hanceville and get the rest of my pre-requisites then transfer to UAB to get my degree in teaching. I really need to start this coming spring but I feel like I have so much other -for the lack of a better word- crap on my mind, I don't know where to start.

With Christmas 3 weeks away, I haven't done much shopping/crafting, I've got to finish my CEs to renew my license, Zach is 400 miles/6 1/2 hours from home, trying to decorate for Christmas, keep my dogs from tearing up my entire house, trying to get the house finished, working 40 hours a week, and on top of all of that, Mama C fell and broke her hip the other day and had to have a hip replacement. She's so frail making the surgery even more major than it would be for most people. I know I don't have it anywhere near as rough as a lot of people but I don't hardly know which direction to walk. I will be so glad when I am back in Zach's arms. Thankfully my boss has been VERY understanding and has given me a 4 day weekend for Christmas so that I can spend time with Zach. Plus, I have a 3 day weekend this coming weekend so I am going up to PB, MO to spend the weekend with Zach. Unfortunately, Zach got moved to the night shift so our schedules are going to be off when I go see him. Hopefully I can have some Christmas crafting to keep me busy while he sleeps.

Well, as much as I'd like to go to bed, I've got two stinky dogs who need baths desperately! Adios!