Thursday, July 17, 2014

Can you believe it...

We're 3 Months Old!!!

I can not believe it has already been 3 months since the boys were born. The last 3 months have been such a blessing not only for Zach and I but also for everyone else in the boys' lives. They are truly miracles and our world is better because of them. After a more than two month hiatus, I hope to be more consistent in my updates from here on out. Here is what has been happening during the boys' third month of life on "the outside".

Sanford Tate

Nickname: "San-fawd", "The Baby Formerly Known as Chunk", "Little Zane"

Weight: 12 lbs 7 oz as of their 2 month check up a month ago. I'm pretty sure they've gained a good bit since then.

Height/Length: 23 inches long. Probably grown since then.

What am I up to lately?

- I love to smile and giggle and talk. Mommy says I have a big ol' goofy grin and my laugh is really loud and high pitched when I get excited.

- If I wake up hungry first, I usually cry a little but when my brother wakes up and starts crying, I stop and wait for Mommy or Daddy to come get us. Then we both start grinning as soon as we see them.

- I'm still super laid back.

- I am constantly pulling my blanket or anything else I can get in my hands and pulling it towards my mouth.

- I love to swing in my swing. I usually fall asleep and would probably sleep all day if Mommy (and brother) would let me.

-Sometimes I talk just to hear myself talk

- I'm a Daddy's boy

- Bath time isn't my favorite but I tolerate it. As long as I don't get cold, I do great.

- I am not a big fan of tummy time. 

Smith Taylor

Nickname: Smiffy (at least that's what Mommy calls me), The New Chunk, Fussybutt

Weight: 12 lbs 10 oz as of their 2 month check-up a month ago. 

Height/Length: 23 inches long as of their 2 month check-up.

What am I up to lately? 

-Although I'm pretty serious most of the time, I'm smiling and giggling and sometimes I even light up when I see Mommy or Daddy. Unlike my brother's laugh, mine is very low pitched.

- Still Mr. Bossypants

- My arms and legs are always moving.

- I love my monkeys and my bird. (The monkeys are mobiles that hang on their swings and bouncers and the birds are just some stroller toys that hang on the side of their crib until Mommy can get a mobile made). When Mommy or Daddy put me in my swing, my eyes light up and I get the biggest, goofiest grin on my face and usually start giggling. 

- I tolerate tummy time but I usually fall asleep.

- I'm usually serious but I'm a happy baby.

- I love bathtime. I'm usually all smiles the whole time.

- I'm a Momma's boy.

We both...

- Love to swing in our swings

- Love to ride in the car

- Love to suck on our fists

- Love to watch ceiling fans spin and sometimes we even talk to them.

- Love getting our diaper changed. For some reason, both of them get really goofy and happy when we lay them down on the changing pad. If you want to guarantee smiles and giggles from either of them, just take them into their room and lay them on their changing pad. Works every time.

-Love to be swaddled for bedtime. 

- Eat every 3 hours during the day.

- Sleep 6-7 hours at night and sometimes 8 hours.

-Love to watch TV and look out the windows at the bright light.

Here are just a few pictures from the last month...

Sanford - Handsome boy

Smith - Handsome boy

Smith Sleeping on his Boppy

Sanford sleeping on his Boppy

Smith fell asleep doing tummy time on his Boppy

Sanford being his usual silly self

Smith Being Mr. Serious in the car

Sanford being silly again in the car

Family photo on July 4th

Smith (L) and Sanford (R)