Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Happy 1/2 Birthday!…a month ago

I must apologize for my absence. I have gotten so lazy about posting. I actually wrote this blog not long after the boys' 6 month "birthday" but at the time Zach was using our computer for work and by the time he got home in the evening I wasn't in the mood to upload pictures so I never got around to adding pictures and finishing my post. Soooo in other words, its Zach's fault! lol I will be posting this post as well as what I got done of their 7 month post around the same time. I never got around to completely finishing their 7 month post but I'll post what I did get. Enjoy!

Happy 1/2 Birthday!!! 
This last month has been full of fun activities and lots of growing.
(We weren't too keen on having our pictures taken)

Sanford Tate

Nickname: "Sannn-fuuuuuuuuuhd", "Brudder" or "Brotherrrr"
Weight: 17lbs 4oz at their 6 month check up.
Height/Length: 26in (I think)

What have I been up to lately?
- I've got TWO teeth! I started teething at 3 months old and have been a little extra fussy the last month or so but now that these two teeth have cut through, I feel much better.
- I have decided that I don't really like to go to bed immediately (even if I'm really sleepy) so Mommy or Daddy have to come in a love on me a time or two before I finally relax and pass out. Thankfully this only lasts about 10-15 min max.
- I squirm around a lot when I'm asleep and do laps around my crib
- I loooove to stand up
- I like to "plank"
- I'm learning to scoot backwards
- I am really close to sitting up
- When I'm really sleepy, I like to play with my hair
- I like to nap with a blanket up by my face
- I am fascinated with my "junk". I am always grabbing at it. Typical boy!
- I smile all the time
- I like to talk
- I am usually really happy but I know how to work Mommy to get some extra cuddles. I just blame it on the teething.
- I don't care for a Wubbanub (paci) except to chew on its legs.
- I am a daredevil and love to play rough but don't startle me because I become super sensitive in 2 seconds flat.

Smith Taylor

Nickname: "Smiffy", "Brother"
Weight: 19lbs 10oz (that's about a 2 1/2 lb difference)
Height/Length: 26in (I think)

What have I been up to lately?
- I am a super happy baby but I can be stingy on my smiles. While my brother smiles constantly and at anyone, I usually just let a little smirk out every now and then. Well, unless I see my Mommy or my puppies.
- I LOVE my puppies. When I see them I get really giddy and start bouncing around and giggling. Charli is favorite but don't tell BooBoo and Chief.
- I have grown-man gas. It's pretty impressive if I do say so myself.
- I also talk….a LOT.
- I don't really move around much when I sleep. I usually wake up pretty much in the same spot as when I went to sleep.
- Although I'm not dependent on it, I do like my Wubbanub when its nap time or bedtime.
- I am learning to be a little more patient.
- I love to rub my face on your shoulder when I'm sleepy.
- I don't have any teeth yet but I'm chewing (and drooling) on everything.
- I don't really care to do much standing up but I'm working on the whole sitting up thing.

What have we been up to?
- We love jumping in our jumperoo and playing in our walker.
- We are interacting more and more every day. Nowadays, we like to check each other out and smile and giggle at each other. Every now and then we'll even "talk" to each other.
- We are both very ticklish. One of our favorite things is when Mommy and/or Daddy chew, yes, chew, on us. Our feet, legs, arms, hands, belly, anything. We get to cackling and can't stop.
- We don't really like rice cereal but we like real food.
- Lolli and Poppi came to visit. We went to the Houston Museum of Natural Science and got to see lots of cool stuff. Dinosaur bones, fossils, mummies, etc. 
-While Lolli and Poppi were here, Mommy and Daddy took advantage of the help and got to have a date night to a Texans vs. Colts game.
- Every Monday, Daddy plays softball with some guys from church so Mommy brings us to the field so we can cheer him on. We think he's the best player on the team. Go Daddy!!!
-Mommy and Daddy met a nice couple from our church who have twin girls. They are a part of a group called the Bay Area Mothers of Multiples and invited us to come to a Halloween get-together. Mommy didn't have our costumes ready quite yet (which we were glad of because it was really hot) but we had fun making lots of friends.
-Our church has Mom & Me play dates about once a month on a Friday morning where moms and their kids meet at someone's house and hang out for a couple of hours. We went for the first time and met lots of other mommies and kids. It was a lot of fun.

Here's some pictures from the last month…

On our date night to a Texans game. Zach went to the restroom and I waited outside. The door of the bathroom was literally right in front of me and somehow he still snuck out without me seeing him. Sneaky sneaky! Can we say #selfie?

We had awesome seats.

JJ Watt was like 40 feet in front of us. We sat directly behind his place on the sideline so we stared at the back of his head every time he wasn't on the field. The guy is MASSIVE!

I had a pretty good lookin' date.

Our awkward picture. #photobomb

The only picture we got from the Museum of Natural Science. But hey, that's a T-Rex behind us. Cool right?

Smiffy boy and his shy grin.

Sanford and his goofy grin.

This child managed to almost get completely out of his diaper before I even realized it.

Yeeeeeaaaaa, so this definitely happened. Just stocking up for the next month or so.

Mommy had to go to the doctor so Daddy watched the boys. When I got back to pick them up, this is what I walked into the job trailer to. I am so thankful that the boys and I have this wonderful man who loves being a daddy and is pretty darn good at it to boot. Be still my heart.

Smiffy just loves his daddy.

Smithy wasn't feeling too good so we got some good cuddles in. I cherish these cuddles.