Friday, January 23, 2015

Where has the time gone?

9 Months

It seems like with every day that passes, the boys are learning more and more. They are both so full of personality and are the happiest boys. Although having twins can be double the stinky diapers, double the bottles, double the sickness, double the challenge sometimes, it is also double the kisses, double the smiles, double the cuddles, double the blessings. Another great thing about having twins is they always have a built in play mate. The boys have become more and more interactive and love to play together. This is such a fun age.

Sanford Tate

Nickname: San-fooooo-idddd, Wild Man, Brudder
Weight: 19lbs 9oz (40th percentile…our Little Man)
Height/Length: 28.5in (50th percentile)

What have I been up to lately?

-I have mastered crawling and am constantly on the move
-I am pulling up and climbing all over the place
-I love to talk and sometimes say Da-Da but mostly its just random noises right now.
-I am constantly on the move…constantly.
-I almost always finish my bottle and usually want more
-Even though I wasn't interested in "real food" at first, now I love it. I usually eat more than my brother does these days. I guess I'm trying to catch up to him.
-I am constantly blabbering. 
-I love to smile really big and giggle. I'm so cute when I crinkle my nose when I cheese really hard.
-I have 2 bottom teeth, one top tooth has cut through, and I've got two more about to cut through.
-I have started to take a few steps when holding onto someone's fingers and have even taken a few steps holding onto the side of the couch a time or two.
-I am wearing some 9 month clothes but mostly 12 month.

Smith Taylor

Nickname: Smiffy, Miffy, Miff, Brudder
Weight: 22lbs 4oz (75th percentile)
Height/Length: 28.5in (50th percentile)

What have I been up to lately?

-I just started crawling on our 9 month birthday (Saturday) but I'm not quite confident with it yet. I am pretty steady but I still prefer to stay in one spot. I'm practicing every day and will really get the hang of it soon.
-I have started showing interest in pulling up but I'm not quite there. This is a lot of "man" to pull up.
-Up until lately, I wasn't too concerned with standing up (while holding onto someone's fingers) but now I think its funny so I enjoy it.
-I am a big talker and like to babble constantly. I say Da-Da, Ma-Ma, Ba-Ba, and a few other random sounds. I also love to scream really loud.
-I have the funniest, cutest laugh. I sound like a goat.
-I have 2 bottom teeth, 3 top teeth, and working on another top tooth.
-I have grown out of a lot of our 12 month clothes and now I'm wearing 12-18 month and 18 month clothes.

What have we been up to lately?

-We have mastered walking in our walkers. We love to walk all over the house, chase the dogs, ram the dog bowls and spill their water, try to pull everything off of the coffee table, follow each other all over the house, and pull drawers out of tables. Sometimes we even chase Mommy down the hall.
-We love to eat (obviously). Mommy makes our baby food and we love it. Our favorites are sweet potatoes, butternut squash, bananas, carrots, pears, and avocados but we will eat just about anything.
-Both boys have both had the flu now and it was NO fun for anyone. Sanford had it earlier in December. He didn't have typical flu-like symptoms (for example fever) so we didn't catch it in time to give him Tamiflu so he had to ride it out for a week or longer. Poor buddy. Smith started acting puny Christmas Eve and by Christmas day he was pretty pitiful. He kept us up most of the night and just was not himself. Needless to say our first Christmas as a family of four wasn't as magical as I had hoped. Momma Rose flew in the day after Christmas because let's face it, sometimes us mommas just need our mommas. We took Smith to the doctor and they gave us a prescription for Tamiflu. We started it right away and he was feeling a lot better by the next day. The Tamiflu definitely shortened his pitifulness.
-We still sleep really well. We sleep from 8:30pm-8:30am and take two 1-2 hour naps during the day.
-We are the most content boys. We can entertain ourselves and each other while Mommy gets things done around the house…or chills :)

Here are a few pictures from the last month…

Poor Sanford trying to get over the flu and Chief was there to look after him.

The pups are always so willing to help during meal time.

Someone figured out that if he grabs onto the side of his crib and pulls up he might just be able to see over those blasted bumper pads a little better.

Then, poor Smiffy got the flu…on Christmas Eve.

Christmas morning gifts under the tree.

Learning how to drink from sippy cups.

Banana always make us smile.

Our first Christmas morning!

We love tissue paper!

These bags aren't so bad either.

Christmas tree ornaments are so much more interesting than these toys we got!

Cuddling with Momma Rose.

Of course we had to have a photo shoot in front of the Christmas tree once we were both feeling better.

Chewing on our cars.

Smith playing with the lights but it looks like he's pointing to his name on the tree lol.
Vroom vroom.

We fell asleep on the way to the airport to drop Momma Rose off.

I am so thankful to have such a close relationship with my mom. I couldn't have asked for a better role model and I hope and pray that I am half the mother that she is. She is such a beautiful person inside and out. I am very blessed!

This kid loves this dog so much. When he sees her he lights up. She is constantly making him laugh. 

Best buds.

We love our walkers.

I caught him trying to sneak a peak.

We think we are such big boys walking all over the house.

This guy is always smiling.

Such a sweet smile.

Mommy and Daddy had a date night at the gun range.

New Years Eve - Lolli and Poppi kept the boys so Mommy and Daddy could go to dinner. The boys' first NYE.

ALL the kids playing.

This kid is so goofy.


9 month onesie vs Newborn onesie. I took this picture to show the difference in size over the last 9 months but wasn't thinking about the fact that the boys have been in 12 month clothes for about a month and Smith has even grown out of a lot of their 12 month clothes. 

Looking so handsome at dinner.

Somebody fell asleep watching football…behind him.

Daredevil child.

And happy afterwards.

Sanford loves to stand up in the tub.

We love to play together.

Smiffy has 5, going on 6, teeth.

Sweet brothers.

I put the boys down for their nap the other day and about 30 minutes later I glanced through the crack in the door and this is what I saw. He was just chillin'.

I saw on the monitor that Smith's leg was hanging out of his bed so I went in to push it through before it woke him up but I didn't realize he had his dog over his face too lol.

Cuddling with his monkey.

Laughing at Mommy.

Bear crawl!


Getting good at this pulling up thing.

If this kid doesn't look like his Uncle Tyler, I don't know who does. 

Smith getting brave and thinking about pulling up.


Tubba-Tub in the tub.

9 Month picture outtakes:
This is what I deal with lol. I literally take 60-70 pictures just to get 8-10 to choose from to post. Its not getting any easier either.
Face plant!

Crazy hair.


Is that Spiderman?

If one is smiling, the other isn't.

Same goes with one being goofy.

Not sure what was going on here.

Yes Sanford, his belly really is that big.


Gettin' comfy.


Are we done yet?

Seriously, are we done yet?