Monday, July 20, 2015

25 Weeks Update

25 Weeks

How big is baby? According to my BabyCenter app, baby boy is measuring about 13 1/2 inches in length and weighs about 1 1/2lbs (about the size of a rutabaga).

Total weight gain? I think about 30lbs. More than I would have liked to have gained at this point but oh well. When I was pregnant with Smith and Sanford, I literally HAD to eat every 2-3 hours throughout the day and usually had to eat at least one snack during the night. I ate constantly and only gained 40lbs in 37 weeks. This time, I don't really feel like I'm eating anymore than I was pre-pregnancy but I guess with one baby, he's not eating me alive so my body holds on to a lot of what I do eat. 

What is baby up to? Still kicking constantly. He gets pretty feisty every time I eat, every time I drink cold water, every time I sit still, and every night when I'm trying to go to sleep. Boy is a firecracker.

Started showing? My belly feels H U G E. I've had a few people recently ask when I'm due and when I tell them "November 1st" they're like "You're kidding!". Gee thanks people! 

Maternity clothes? Oh yea. And its so wretchedly hot down here, the less clothing the better lol. I had to buy some more tank tops yesterday because even just wearing jean shorts and t-shirts is too much coverage. 

Stretch marks? No new ones but my skin is beginning to feel like its stretching so gotta get more strict about lotion application. I don't need anymore tiger stripes.

Sleep? Still not too bad. Once I actually fall asleep I usually do pretty well. Its just the initial getting comfortable stage that's tough. I pulled out my Snoogle this week and it has helped a ton. Its even better when Zach leaves for work. I spread out and literally have pillows everywhere. I always feel bad because I feel like the pillows are crowding him.

Best moment this week? Our bed is F I N A L L Y off the floor!!! The day the movers came to load up our furniture in Houston, I was sitting at the foot of our bed talking to one of the movers about some stuff. I had forgotten that a few months prior, the girls (BooBoo and Charli) were wrestling in our room and one of them slammed into the footboard and cracked it. They play hard. While I was sitting there, I put my feet up onto the footboard and put weight on it and it just broke right in half. The mover guy was like "Uhhhh you're going to remember that YOU did that right?" lol I guess he was afraid I would blame them for it being broken and try to get a new frame out of them. So, long story short, we've put off getting a new frame until this week. We decided to just rig up our old frame since everything else is still fine. So Zach cut the legs off of the footboard and screwed them to a new board. It's not the prettiest thing ever (simply because the new board is raw wood and the bed is stained dark) but hey! It was a lot cheaper than buying a new frame so I'll take it. And the comforter is long enough to cover it anyways lol.

Miss anything? I hate not being able to take good cold medicine while pregnant. I know I can take some stuff but I don't like to take it lol. Sudafed works wonders but when I'm pregnant, it makes me feel terrible. I remember I took it once when I was pregnant with the boys and I thought my heart was going to beat right out of my chest. It can raise blood pressure and even though I didn't have any BP issues with that pregnancy, it still made me feel like crap so I refuse to take it now. Afrin would be nice now too since everyone in the house has allergies/colds. 

Movement? Oh yea.

Food cravings? Not really anything. I have, thankfully, started craving water more. I drank SO much water when I was pregnant with the boys and up until this last week, drinking water almost grossed me out. I still prefer it to be ice cold but now I'm  choosing it over other things. I've also found my pregnancy love for strawberry lemonade. Wendy's is still the best!

Food aversions? Not really anything that I can think of. 

Symptoms? When I do a lot of walking, I get that really heavy feeling down low and where all of my ligaments and such are stretching, it feels like I got hit between the legs with a softball. I can attest that that is very accurate description since I have actually been hit between the legs with a softball a time or two in my lifetime. Sorry for the visual. Once again, just trying to be real.

Anything making me queasy or nauseous? Our guest bathroom bath tub wouldn't drain and so being the good wife I am, instead of making my weak-stomached husband :) mess with it, I tried to clean it out. THAT made me queasy. (No worries though. The plumber came today and fixed it so PTL the boys can take a regular bath again.) Smelly trashcans. BooBoo's bad breath. 

Signs of labor? Nope. Hoping and praying that my body can carry this child to the full 40 weeks.

Rings, on or off? As I've mentioned before, I haven't worn my rings much at all for the last several months because they cause a rash underneath. I've worn my engagement ring a few times after I cleaned it and coated the underside with clear fingernail polish and it didn't bother me. I got brave yesterday and decided to wear my wedding bands too. Bad call. I am now the no-so-proud owner of a bumpy rash my left ring finger. I think it is because we were outside most of the afternoon so I was sweating and the sweat mixed with the wideness of my rings made my skin freak out. Looks like I'll be sticking to wearing just my engagement ring for a while. 

Mood? Better now that things have calmed down a little at home. 

Looking forward to anything? Zach's parents are coming down this week and are going to keep the boys for a couple of days while he and I go to Tampa for the weekend. We haven't gotten to have a full night, let alone a full weekend just to ourselves without the boys since they were born. When I asked him what he wanted to do this weekend his reply was "Not a darn thing!" lol. And I'm perfectly fine with that. I think we're going to go to a Rays' game but other than that, we don't have much of anything planned. I'm hoping to sleep late ;)

 24 Weeks vs. 25 Weeks
Still popping out more and more with every week that passes.

25 Weeks (Twins) vs. 25 Weeks (Singleton)