Monday, July 27, 2015

26 Weeks

26 Weeks

How big is baby? BabyCenter says he is about the length of a green onion (1 2/3lbs and 14in long).

Total weight gain? Probably gained another pound or two if I had to guess.

What is baby up to? Still moving around a lot. 

Started showing? Every week I think "Man, I feel huge! Surely it'll slow down!" but sure enough, the next week I say the same thing all over again. 

Maternity clothes? Well yea. I finally bought a maternity swimsuit today. I've been wearing a regular swimsuit I bought last summer for right after I had the boys that had the gathered stomach (ya know, the kind that is supposed to camouflage a flabby tubby?) and it worked for a while but now that I'm rather large, it just ain't cutting it. Luckily, I found one for pretty cheap at a mall in Tampa today. 

Stretch marks? No new ones.

Sleep? I sleep pretty well in our bed which is memory foam but springs aren't quite so kind to my hips and lower back. I guess I'm spoiled by our bed.

Best moment this week? Zach and I went to Tampa for the weekend. I guess you could call it a "Babymoon". His parents kept the boys while we were gone. We made the 2 hour drive Friday after he got off work and it was POURING down rain so we went straight to the hotel. We didn't even stop to eat. By the time we got to the room, we dreaded getting out in the rain to go eat so we ended up ordering pizza. Saturday we ate breakfast at Cracker Barrel, got pedicures (Zach was such a trooper!), watched movies in the hotel room, and then went to the Tampa Bay Rays' baseball game. They were playing the Baltimore Orioles and afterwards Kacey Musgraves had a concert on the field. We got the stadium pretty early thinking we'd get to walk around and enjoy the sights and sounds of the park but their stadium is less than impressive. We've been to several parks around the country and this one was sadly at the bottom of the list. We still had a good time and enjoyed each other's company. We also met several people (workers) who had either gone to Auburn or had kids who went to Auburn. All of the workers were super friendly, unlike most parks you go to, so that was a plus. The field is also indoors so we were in the a/c the whole time which was AWESOME for these two hot natured folks. We only made it about halfway through the concert after the game before we were both about to pass out. Sunday we slept late (until about 9am) and then grabbed an early lunch. Before we headed home we went to a large mall and walked around a bit. We're not huge shoppers but we love to people watch and that was a good place to people watch for sure. We headed home and it poured down rain on us the whole trip which wasn't fun but we made it safely and we were so excited to see the boys. I'm pretty sure we were more excited than they were but that's okay. We, well at least I, had such a great time. Zach and I don't get to just be a couple very often without also having to be Mommy and Daddy so it was nice to focus on each other and just hang out. 

Miss anything? Being able to take medicine without having to worry about whether its safe during pregnancy or not lol. I've got a stupid cold but I hate taking meds while I'm pregnant so I'm just miserable. Sudafed would be nice but I took it once during my last pregnancy and it literally made me feel like I was going to have a panic attack. That elevated BP wasn't fun while pregnant. I think I'll just deal with the headache and stopped up ears.

Feeling movement? Constantly. Doctor has me doing kick counts this month (I think its customary with  all of their patients) and the directions say to count movements for an hour but if you feel 10 movements in less than an hour you can stop. If you haven't felt 10 movements in that hour then you have to start over and do it for another hour. Most nights I have only had to do it for 10-15 min. Of course one night I forgot and waited until after 10pm to start. He is usually pretty active while I'm trying to go to sleep so I wasn't too worried. After 45 min I had only counted about 5 movements. We didn't make it to 10 movements in the hour but I was so sleepy I decided to roll over and just go to sleep. I had been feeling him a ton all day long so I wasn't worried. Next thing I know he starts spazzing out and moving around like crazy. I think I counted 10 movements in like 10 minutes. Little punk was just trying to keep me up later. Last night I counted 10 movements in 6 minutes. Boy likes to jive.

Food cravings? Ice cream. I'm always up for ice cream. Who cares if I'm lactose sensitive lol. Its worth the stomach ache.

Food aversions? Nothing really. 

Symptoms? My belly is only measuring about 2 weeks ahead (when laying down) but when I stand up, it all just falls out front lol. My stomach muscles are GONE and there is nothing holding homeboy in. When I do a lot of walking or standing I can really feel it down low. Last weekend I purchased a Belly Bandit and have been wearing it when I do more standing/walking than normal and I think it really helps. When I take it off it feels like my belly falls at least a couple of inches. I'm also starting to have some restless legs when trying to sit still like in the car. I just feel like I'm not getting very good circulation and it makes me uncomfortable.  I've been pretty wiped out lately too. I just knew my iron was low because I was getting so exhausted just doing simple tasks. I got pretty anemic with the boys' pregnancy and have felt very similar to that over the last few weeks but the doctor checked my levels at my appointment last week and said they're normal. He said its just normal pregnancy fatigue. I think its a combination of chasing two toddlers, 3 dogs, and this stupid cold I've had. 

Anything making me queasy or nauseous? The last few days I've been coughing a lot from this blasted cold which makes me gag lol. I panic if I don't have some water close by. Other than that its not too bad.

Signs of labor? None.

Rings on or off? Still just wearing my engagement ring because wearing all three irritates my finger.

Mood? Decent. I'm always pretty short tempered and impatient and pregnancy usually makes it worse but its not too terribly bad. At least I don't think so.

Looking forward to anything? Our friends Jim, Kendell, and their little girl Ella who we got to know while living in New Jersey are coming to visit us next week from St. Louis. We haven't seen them since this time last year so we're really looking forward to it.

25 Weeks vs. 26 Weeks

26 Weeks (Twins) vs. 26 Weeks (singleton)