Sunday, August 2, 2015

27 Weeks

27 Weeks

 How big is baby? BabyCenter says he is almost 2lbs and roughly 14.5in long. About the size of a head of cauliflower. 

Total weight gain? I haven't weighed in a while but I think I've gained another couple of pounds so I'm probably pushing 35lbs.

What is baby up to? Kicking a lot. I think I mentioned last week that the doctor has me doing kick counts every day. You're supposed to do it when you can sit quietly and relax so I have been doing them when I get in bed every night. Last night I was looking back at all of the times and the longest it has taken me so far was 16 min but most nights I'm done counting within about 6 or 7 minutes in. He literally moves all. day. long. I love it though. Its one of my favorite parts of being pregnant. 

Started showing yet? Oh yea. Can't hide this mountain.

Maternity clothes? Of course. 

Stretch marks? Haven't noticed any new ones yet but when your belly looks like you got mauled by a tiger, its kind of hard to tell lol.

Sleep? Pretty good. I have really weird, vivid dreams a lot which happened during my last pregnancy too. Yesterday while I was walking through the yard I saw a snake. Nothing major. Just a black rat snake or something. Probably about 3-4ft long. Scared the crap out of me though lol. So, of course I dreamt last night that I was floating a river with some friends and one of the guys in our group got attacked by a HUGE venomous snake. I'm not scared of snakes but it wasn't one of my favorite dreams lol.

Best moment this week? Honestly, it sounds dumb and he will probably think I'm crazy but today after church we ran some errands and then came home and rearranged furniture lol. Since we moved to Florida we've had our good furniture in the front living room and a single love seat that is technically the "dogs' couch" in the playroom where the boys' toys are. The dogs don't lay on it much so the boys and I use it some during the day since we spend all of our time in there. We've got company coming this week so we thought it'd be a good idea to move the "good" furniture into the play room so we don't have to sit on the old beat up crappy love seat. The house looks pretty random and a little mismatched but it made me happy. I think the boys enjoyed all the commotion as well.

Miss anything? I miss a lot of things. I miss having the energy to get down in the floor and play with the boys all day every day. I miss our friends. I miss our family. I miss my babies being babies. Now they're big boys who walk (and run) everywhere. They're learning new things every day. I miss the days when the dogs behaved and didn't drive us crazy all the time. I miss being able to take cold medicine lol. One of the crappy parts about being pregnant, for me at least, is the miserable pregnancy congestion. With the boys, by the middle of my second trimester I was severely congested and had almost completely lost my voice. I didn't get it back until months after they were born. This time hasn't been quite as bad but I have had a cold for the last couple of weeks and its starting to get really old.

Feeling movement? Oh yea. Pretty much 24/7. 

Food cravings? Strawberry PopTarts. Ice cream. Its bad. Its real bad. 

Food aversions? Nothing really that I can think of. 

Symptoms? Back pain and lower "area" pain from the weight of my belly and lack of stomach muscles to hold it up. Also this congestion crap. And I have a weird thing where the end of my left big toe is almost always numb and tingling and a spot about the size of my hand on the outside of my left thigh that is numb. It was that way with the boys too. I had forgotten about it until a week or so ago when I noticed my toe was numb and thought it was weird but didn't think much about it. Then a few days later it felt like something was tickling my thigh and I kept brushing it away but it didn't help. Then it dawned on me that I had the same issue when I was pregnant last time. I guess its just because of back circulation.

Anything making me queasy or nauseous? Just anything gross seems so much more gross to me than it would if I weren't pregnant. I'm not typically a weak stomached person but this pregnancy has changed that. 

Signs of labor? None.

Rings, on or off? Just my engagement ring still. Wearing all three still irritates my finger.

Mood? It comes and goes. Some days I'm totally fine and some days I'm super emotional. It makes Zach's job a lot more difficult. 

Looking forward to anything? Our friends Jim, Kendell, and their little girl Ella are coming to visit this week from St. Louis. We haven't seen them since we all went to the beach last summer for a few days. We met them while we were in New Jersey and have stayed friends since. Some times moving around so much is tough but it has also given us the opportunity to meet some great friends and I'm thankful we have been able to stay in touch.

26 Weeks vs. 27 Weeks

27 Weeks (Twins) vs. 27 Weeks (Singleton)
Wow, this is the first week that I've looked at my comparison pictures and thought "Dang! I looked rough last time!" The picture on the left was taken while I was in Birmingham for my baby showers which means I had been traveling (by plane which causes more swelling) and probably had not been staying propped up as much as I had while in New Jersey so I was looking pretty puffy. I also remember that the day I took this picture I didn't feel well and I don't think I had even washed my hair that day. So, I just looked rough from all angles. (It doesn't help that that shirt was just about too short so I had to yank it down so far that my boobs and my belly run together. Not cute.)