Sunday, August 9, 2015

28 Weeks : Hello 3rd Trimester

Wow! I can't believe we're already in the 3rd trimester. Its hard to imagine that in just about 3 months we will welcome another precious little boy into our growing family. I have gone through so many emotions throughout the first 2/3 of this pregnancy. It went from shock and disbelief, to excitement, to a tad bit of fear, to maybe a little bit of regret knowing the boys will have to share even more Mommy time than they've already had to in their less than 16 months of life, back to shock, and then back again to excitement. I've even experienced all of these emotions in a 24 hour span on some occasions. We know its going to be difficult, after all, parenthood is difficult in any case, but our boys are so worth it. They bring us so much joy and we have loved being their mommy and daddy so much already. Throwing another baby boy into the mix could only make it sweeter. 

28 Weeks

How big is baby? BabyCenter says he weighs about 2 1/4lbs and measures about 14.8in from head to heels (roughly the size of an eggplant). My fundal height has been measuring about 2 weeks ahead the whole time so he may be a little bigger than that. I go back to the doctor Tuesday so maybe we'll get to see the little booger.

Total weight gain? I haven't weighed in a while. To be honest, the scale scares me a bit these days. This pregnancy has been sooooo different than the last. I literally ate every 3 hours throughout the day (and usually had a snack or two during the night) when I was pregnant with the boys and I only gained 40lbs. This pregnancy I probably eat half as much and have already gained almost as much in 28 weeks as what I gained in 37 weeks last time. I probably shouldn't have added this question to the list since I'm not consistent with weighing but hey, just keeping it real.

What is baby up to? Still moving around a lot. He's been camping out in my ribs a lot this past week which makes sitting down pretty uncomfortable at times but leaning to the side helps lol.

Started showing yet? I'm now getting the dreaded "You're too big" comments from strangers when they ask when I'm due and I tell them I still have 12 more weeks to go. 4 different ladies at the nail salon yesterday made me feel like a total cow by asking me if I was sure it's not twins. Been there, done that ladies. I think I'd know.

Maternity clothes? A must. I'm carrying so low I feel like my belly is going to hang out of regular clothes. Its rather annoying.

Stretch marks? No new ones.

Sleep? Pretty good.  As long as I make sure I potty RIGHT before I fall asleep then I usually don't have to get up until at least when Zach gets up for work. Sometimes I can make it until I get up with the boys at about 8am. If I have to roll over it usually wake me up. Otherwise I sleep pretty well. I have been a hot box lately so I've been getting pretty hot in the bed. I've always had to sleep with at least the sheet covering my mid-section but since I've been so hot I've been sleeping with no covers. Its not fun being pregnant during a SW Florida summer.

Best moment this week? Our friends Jim, Kendell, and Ella came for a few days. It was so nice spending time with them (haven't seen them since last fall). The boys loved playing with Ella, Jim and Zach got to have a guys' day playing golf and Kendell and I got to get pedicures and have a little beach time for ourselves. We also got to go to the beach a couple of days which the kids LOVED. A guy Zach works with was nice enough to give us a visitors' pass to the private beach that goes along with their neighborhood which was awesome! It wasn't very crowded, chairs and umbrellas were included, we had a nice view of the water, there were bathrooms and showers a stones throw away, and we were able to park close to where we were set up. It was super nice and we were so thankful for Jacques and his wife for letting us use it.

Miss anything? Of course we miss our families and friends that we don't get to see often. I was hoping to be able to go home before the baby is born but I doubt we'll get a chance to. With Zach being the only one on this job he can't really take much time off so we will probably have to wait until November or later when the job is over and the baby is here.

Feeling movement? All the time. This little booger moves pretty much 24/7. 

Food cravings? ICE CREAM! lol I'm certain that I could eat Coldstone every day. Its delish!

Food aversions? Nothing really right now that I can think of.

Symptoms? The usual. Sciatica, butt bone pain when I sit in the same position for too long, mild heartburn but none of it is constant so its definitely not miserable. I think being fatigued all the time is the hardest part. I get tired pretty easily and just want to sit/lay down. By the time the boys go to bed at 7:30pm I'm usually ready to go to bed too. Zach never complains. 

Anything making me queasy or nauseous? Nothing lately.

Signs of labor? None. I'm just praying for 40 weeks. I never had any signs of labor with the boys so hopefully even though my pregnancies are pretty close together I won't have any issues. 

Rings, on or off? Engagement ring on. One of these days I'll figure out how to wear all three rings without my finger breaking out something terrible.

Mood? It's been pretty good lately I think. I've never had much of a filter but since being pregnant with the boys and then getting pregnant so soon after they were born, what little bit of a filter I had is totally gone. I have a lot of trouble holding back so if I'm feeling a certain way, I'm pretty bad at concealing it. 

Looking forward to anything? Hopefully seeing my Momma soon and possibly our friends Trey and Kristyn if we can get a weekend planned with them. And of course holding our sweet little boy. This pregnancy has flown by. I think because I haven't had a lot of time to think about it much and we've been so busy with the big boys, dogs, etc. Plus, I don't feel like we have as much prepation to get done since we pretty much have everything we need (x2 in some cases). Its pretty much just waiting on our sweet baby boy #3 to make his appearance. He's got two big brothers who are going to love on him so much and a mommy and daddy who are anxious to meet him. It's hard to imagine that in just about 3 months we will have THREE sweet little boys. Life is going to be a bit crazy but will be filled with a whole lot of awesome!

27 Weeks vs. 28 Weeks
Its hard to compare bump pictures from week to week because I'm usually wearing something totally different. Plus, like in this comparison, I was wearing Spanx with my black dress but only had on my maternity shorts today which don't give much support. At least not compared to Spanx. Even while pregnant, Spanx makes a HUGE difference lol.

28 Weeks (Twins) vs. 28 Weeks (Singleton)

I feel like most of my pictures from my last pregnancy I look so exhausted. I may be tired this time around but last time definitely takes the cake. I'm thankful for an easier pregnancy this time.

So I know I've already posted most of these on Facebook and Instagram, I figured I'd post them on here as well.

Watching "Taydoh" together.
Dinner at Ford's Garage

All of the kiddos playing in the sand. 

 Trying to take a picture of the three of us but they were too upset that I made them stop playing in the sand for 30 seconds.

The boys absolutely loved playing in the sand. We couldn't keep them out of it.


We decided to take the kids to a local park that has a splash pad. It had been closed down for maintenance for about a month but was supposed to be opened back up this past week. When we got there it was still closed. So, we decided we would all go to the local water park. When we got there, it was looking like a storm was coming but with this crazy SW Florida weather we figured it would only rain for a short time and then stop so we went ahead and bought tickets. We were there for maybe 30 minutes when it started storming so we had to go to the car to wait it out. We changed the boys back into regular diapers while we sat in the car but they were a bit restless. Since we arrived after 2pm, we were able to get a raincheck so since the storm was HUGE and wasn't going anywhere any time soon, we lost our money. We had a lot of fun for that 20 minutes though lol.


Sanford kept yanking my hair and Zach didn't do a dern thing about it. Ugh! 

The boys were getting tired of taking pictures so we tried a different pose.