Tuesday, August 18, 2015

29 Weeks

This pregnancy seems to be flying by so quickly. In a way it feels like it was forever ago when we told our immediate families that we were expecting again (a little before Easter) but I also don't feel like I should already be 29 weeks. I guess when you've got kids at home to tend to,  it goes by more quickly than it does when all you have to worry about is peeing once an hour and eating every 2-3 hours. I also haven't stressed about getting things ready this time around like I did last time. I guess because I have a better idea of what a newborn needs so I don't feel like I need to be overly prepared but still. I should probably at least START to get organized. Zach's job down here in FL will be over right around my due date (hopefully a few weeks before) so after the baby is born, we aren't sure whether we will be staying around here for another job or moving somewhere else. Hopefully whatever happens it won't be as big of a move as it was when the boys were a month old (New Jersey to Houston).

At my doctor appointment last week, we discussed my chances of having a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). I had a c-section with the boys due to both of them being breech. I was really really hoping I could VBAC this time since it is less traumatic to your body than a section but after looking over my surgery records, my doctor feels that a repeat cesarean would be the safer option due to several factors. I was a little disappointed so I wasn't quite ready to schedule my c-section yet but will probably do that at my next appointment next week. By the way, I cannot believe I am already to the point in my pregnancy where they want to see me every 2 weeks. Its insane. In less than 3 months, we will have another little boy in our arms. I can't believe it!

29 Weeks

How big is baby? BabyCenter says he weighs about 2.5lbs (about the size of a butternut squash) and is a little over 15in from head to heel. When I went to the doctor last week he said that unless I have an issue or cause for concern, I may not have another ultrasound before he's born. That is crazy since with the boys we had a growth ultrasound at every single appointment throughout my pregnancy. This time he just measures my fundal height and that's it. I've been measuring about 2 weeks ahead the last few appointments but I forgot to ask last week what I measured. 

Total weight gain? 34lbs as of this morning. Not as bad as I thought it was but still not where I'd like it to be. Of course, it helps if you actually do something to prevent excessive weight gain rather than just talk about not wanting to gain too much.

What is baby up to? Moving around a lot still. This is a very active little boy. I have a feeling he is going to give us a run for our money.

Started showing yet? Oh yea. Everyone assumes I'm a lot farther along than I am. Even Zach will occasionally say "you're belly is pretty out there" lol. Thanks babe! 

Maternity clothes? A must. Most regular unisex t-shirts are too short to cover my belly. 

Stretch marks? No new ones.

Sleep? Its getting more and more difficult. I hurt my lower back and left hip in high school and it has been difficult to sleep on that side ever since. But, while I'm pregnant, obvisouly I can't sleep on my back or on my tummy so that limits me to sleeping on my right side 75% of the time. I try to alternate but its just not always comfy. I'm also beginning to have to get up to pee at least once a night as well which is always fun.

Best moment this week? There's been a few. Some of our closest and dearest friends got a call last Monday to let them know that there was a newborn little boy who was in need of a home and could be picked up Wednesday. This sweet couple has been through a lot to start a family of their own and God placed this beautiful little boy into their lives at just the right moment. When they called to tell us, we were literally holding back tears. I had chills and it was all I could do not to jump up and down for joy. (And if you've ever seen a pregnant woman jump, it ain't pretty.)

Miss anything? Having energy. 

Feeling movement yet? Constantly. And loving every minute of it. Its truly one of, if not the best part of being pregnant.

Food cravings? Strawberry PopTarts, ice cream (always), soda :( I did find out today that I passed my one hour glucose test so hopefully that doesn't make me be even worse about my eating. I'm not practicing very much self control this pregnancy.

Food aversions? None really.

Symptoms? This child moves so much. The last couple of days he has been chilling right on my bowels making me feel like I haven't…you know….gone in weeks which is pretty uncomfortable lol. Some extra heartburn and restless legs. Also having a pretty hard time sitting in one spot for more than a few minutes at a time. My butt bone starts getting extremely sore pretty quickly.

Anything making me queasy or nauseous? Not too bad. Just more sensitive to smells.

Signs of labor? None. Hope to keep it that way.

Rings, on or off? Engagement ring only due to my stupid skin.

Mood? Eh. I'm a little more emotional and sensitive but nothing too outrageous. At least not that I can tell.

Looking forward to anything? My sweet momma is coming to visit for a couple of days next weekend. She has limited off-days and is trying to save them for when I need her after delivery but 5.5 months without seeing us was going to be a little too long for either of our likings so a short weekend will hopefully help. I'm hoping to get a little bit done as far as organizing for the baby and a whole lot of girl talk.

28 Weeks vs. 29 Weeks

29 Weeks (Twins) vs. 29 Weeks (Singleton)

As usual, our lives are about to go through several big transitions (adding another baby, possibly moving and to who knows where, etc). Please keep us all in your prayers as we attempt to navigate the next few months. This crazy lifestyle of ours always seems to make everything more complicated but we know it will all work out in His time.