Monday, August 31, 2015

31 Weeks!!

31 Weeks

Y'all, this belly is serioulsly epic. And yes, we're sure there is only one in there.

How big is baby? BabyCenter says at 31 weeks he is over 16 inches long and weighs about as much as a coconut. At my routine bi-weekly OB appointment last week, my fundal height was measuring about 3 weeks ahead. He said that within 3 weeks either way (27-33 weeks at the time) is still considered normal but wanted me to have an ultrasound just to make sure. I go back next week for my next OB appointment so they'll do an ultrasound before I see my doctor. I guess we'll see just how big this boy really is then. 

Total weight gain? I weigh in the morning before I eat or drink anything. I feel like that is the most accurate way to keep up with it but I always forget. Our scale is right by our bedroom door too but somehow I never think about it. 

What is baby up to? Growing growing growing and moving moving moving. By the looks of my picture from last week compared to this week, he seems to have changed position as well as grown.

Started showing yet? Insert stupid look emoji. Everyone, and I do mean everyone, thinks that I'm going to deliver right there wherever I am. Zach and I went to dinner the other night at Cracker Barrel. There was a middle aged couple sitting at the table behind Zach. When they got up to leave I could tell they were coming straight for us to say something to us. They both had big smiles on their faces and the man said to me "Boy, I hope you make it through dinner!" Zach and I both just politely chuckled. He went on to tell us that their daughter is due in 3 weeks but that I am "waaaay bigger than she is." Zach said "Well, she's still got another 8 weeks." They both seemed a bit shocked and I think a little remorseful as well. I quickly explained that we have 16 month old twins which is most likely why I am so big. Then Zach added that I'm also measuring 3 weeks ahead. They meant no harm but I still felt like giving them a little slap over the head just for good measure. Why is that people feel it is necessary to comment on a pregnant woman's belly? Don't they realize that pregnancy isn't always the most confident time in a woman's life? At least not physically. 

Maternity clothes? Of course.

Stretch marks? Haven't noticed any new ones yet but then again, I don't really pay attention either.

Sleep? Its been decent. Some nights are better than others but I think overall its not too bad.

Best moment this week? Having my mom spend the weekend here. I've been trying to get into the nesting mood but just haven't gotten motivated. I pretty much told her that we needed to get some things done and it was up to her to get me motivated. Sure enough, we got a lot done and I am starting to get the itch. Hopefully it sticks around.

Miss anything? Energy, as usual. And of course my momma since she left this afternoon :(

Feeling movement yet? Oh yea. Homeboy has been firmly planted in the left side of my rib cage for about a week now and he loves to knead the inside of them. Sometimes when I'm laying in bed I can feel him rubbing what I assume is his feet along the inside of my ribs and also down by my right hip. He's been pretty violent in there lately.

Food cravings? Ice cream and ice cold water. And obviously not a food craving but the smell of cleaning products, especially laundry detergent.

Food aversions? Nothing particular. It changes every day.

Symptoms? Up until yesterday (Sunday), I have felt pretty awesome other than being fatigued. Well, I decided to go Spanx-less under my dress for church and let me tell you, those things offer way more support than you realize. The church we go to down here is rather large and you have to do a lot of walking. By the time we got from the car to the nursery to drop the boys off, my back was seriously hurting. It wasn't the typical back pain, it was tight, muscle burning back pain. Like when you do a hardcore workout and later your muscles are just on fire. I was also having a lot of discomfort down in my hip area. To be honest, it freaked me out a little because I've never experienced that pain while pregnant before. I've had consistent back pain since I was about 15 but this was just different than what it usually feels like. I was afraid it was back labor. By the time church was over (after walking from the car, to the nursery, to our LifeGroup, to the worship service, back to the nursery, and then to the car) I was almost in tears. Not so much because the pain was so intense but mostly because I was scared. Turns out, it was simply because my back was so strained from the weight of this child in my belly and I had zero support. Luckily I had brought my pregnancy support belt (cue the chuckles) so I wore that the rest of the day and it helped a TON. I also think it may have been worse because he had been even more active than usual and had been tearing me up since about 6:30am. He seems to have changed positions, maybe more head down, so I think all of that combined just did a number on my back and I was all off kilter. Its been 100X better today though and I will be sure to make sure I wear some kind of support from now on.

Anything making me queasy or nauseous? Not really but I have had some extra reflux.

Signs of labor? Just typical pregnancy aches and pains.

Rings, on or off? Same. Engagement ring on.

Mood? Pretty good I think. 

Looking forward to anything? Meeting this sweet little boy. It won't be long before we're a family of 5. Yikes! 

30 Weeks vs. 31 Weeks

31 Weeks (Twins) vs. 31 Weeks (Singleton)
Boy is there a difference between your first pregnancy and your second. Especially after twins. Geez! I may end up being bigger this time than I was with them.