Monday, August 24, 2015

30 Week Update!

30 Weeks

Ignore my crazy hair. I swear we DO have mirrors in our house. I just choose not to look in them. 

How big is baby? BabyCenter says he is roughly 15.7in long and weighs almost 3lbs (roughly the size of a head of cabbage). I go back to the doctor tomorrow afternoon (I still can't believe I'm already going every 2 weeks!) but I doubt they'll do an ultrasound. Doctor said they probably won't do anymore unless I have some sort of issue. Sooo, we're praying for no more ultrasounds :)

Total weight gain? As of a few days ago I was holding strong at 34lbs. Its going to come on more quickly these next few weeks.

What is baby up to? Still moving around a lot. This last week he has had his feet literally UP IN my rib cage. Smith and Sanford were breech the whole time so I never really felt kicks in my ribs. Mostly just pressure from their big ol' heads getting shoved up in there. I must say it is a very weird feeling but I kind of like it lol. The kicks are the coolest part of being pregnant.

Started showing yet? Oh yea. I wore a new shirt to church yesterday morning and although it was dark colored (navy blue) and not super form fitting OR loose, I had several people, strangers, come up to me and Zach during the Welcome and say "Glad to see you three!" Apparently I looked a lot more pregnant than usual. Most people think I'm getting ready to pop any day. I do a lot of smiling and nodding.

Maternity clothes? Definitely. They are seriously the best thing ever. I've been pregnant for 15 out of the last 23 months so I've gotten pretty used to the comfiness of maternity clothes. I may just wear them forever. Okay, maybe not. But they really are great. 

Stretch marks? Still, none that are new.

Sleep? Depends. I've been having a lot of really weird dreams. And oddly a lot of them are about snakes. I'm not even scared of snakes so I'm not sure where its coming from but I'd say I have an odd dream about a snake (or two) at least 3-4 nights a week. I also wake up sore every morning. I think because I can't curl my back like I like to so I end up arching it backwards almost. My lower back and hips are always hurting in the morning. Thank goodness for Tylenol.

Best moment this week? Oh gosh, where do I start? Zach has been trying to come home for lunch instead of eating out every day. So I think every day this past week he came home and we all 4 got to eat lunch together. We went to a BBQ Saturday night with our LifeGroup at the church we've been attending. Outside of Sunday mornings, its the first time we've gone to something as a family so it was nice to really get to know everyone and spend time with them. Then yesterday, after church, we took the boys to a local park that has a splash pad. It was a pretty hot day and we all had a blast. 

Miss anything? The boys have gone down to one afternoon nap instead of a morning nap and an afternoon nap. I think it has been harder on me than it has on them. I guess since they were ready to make the transition but Mommy really enjoyed those two naps. But, it just means more time with my buddies so its definitely not all bad. 

Feeling movement yet? All the time. He's currently doing a number on my bladder. 

Food cravings? Strawberry PopTarts mostly. Although its not a food craving, when I was pregnant with Smith and Sanford I craved the smell of laundry detergent. Not to eat. Just to sniff. I would literally make a detour in the store to walk down the laundry aisle so I could take in the smells. It was intense. I also used way too much laundry detergent when washing our clothes because I wanted to smell it. Just over the last week or two that craving has come back. So far its not as strong as last time but its definitely there. To let the dogs outside we have to walk through the laundry room and every time I walk through I get a whiff of detergent. I also leave the detergent box open so the laundry room will smell like Gain all of the time. Just typing about it on here is making me want to get out of bed to go get a whiff before I go to bed lol.

Food aversions? Nothing really.

Symptoms? I think my feet and hands are beginning to swell a bit. Its not bad enough to where anyone would even notice. I can't even tell by looking at them most of the time. Its more of just the way they feel. Thankfully I'm able to sit down and rest a lot during the day which I know helps a lot. Fatigue is a big one. I get wiped out pretty quickly. Especially when chasing the boys around. I just feel wiped out all the time. I miss having energy. Been having mild heartburn pretty consistently but thankfully its not too bad. I promise, I'm not miserable. It may sound like it but I'm really not lol.

Anything making me queasy or nauseous? Not that I can think of lately.

Signs of labor? None.

Rings, on or off? Engagement ring on when I leave the house. I don't wear it at home though. Too many chances for my finger to break out.

Mood? Good. As far as I can tell lol.

Looking forward to anything? My mom is coming to spend this coming weekend with us! I am so beyond excited! I'm hoping she will kick my butt into gear to start preparing for this baby because so far, I haven't done a single thing to get ready for him. I don't even know where the NB clothes are lol. Nesting kicked in at about 22 weeks with the boys but its nowhere in sight this time. Oops.

29 Weeks vs. 30 Weeks 

30 Weeks (Twins) vs. 30 Weeks (Singleton)
Not much of a difference.