Sunday, September 6, 2015

32 Weeks…Whoa!

32 Weeks

How big is baby? BabyCenter claims he now weighs as much as a jicama. Ummm, yea. Whatever that means. Because every Southern girl knows what a jicama is. Insert big eyed emoji. Apparently the average jicama weighs about 3.75lbs and apparently he is roughly 16.7in long. So yea, those are some pretty exact measurements. But, since as of 2 weeks ago I was measuring 3 weeks ahead (which obviously doesn't mean the baby is measuring 3 weeks ahead, just my big ol' uterus is), I figure he's probably a little closer to the 35 week measurements now. If that's the case he weighs 5 1/4 lbs and is about 18in long. I have an ultrasound Tuesday and I believe they will do measurements on him then so I guess we'll see.

Total weight gain? 40lbs …I need this kid to start eating me alive like his brothers did because this is not cool. 

What is baby up to? Beating me up from the inside. My ribs are definitely stretching out which stinks because they had literally just stopped hurting from having the boys. My rib cage was so bent out of shape with them, I literally felt like I could feel them popping. Now I'm constantly bending from side to side to try to get them comfortable. 

Started showing yet? Nope. Not at all. Insert side-eye emoji. I went to Publix yesterday (by myself for once!) and had 3 separate people assume I was about to pop right then and there. They're always surprised when I tell them "Nope, still got another 7 weeks to go!" lol.

Maternity clothes? Oh yea. And I swear my tops are shrinking lol. They're getting shorter and shorter with every wear.

Stretch marks? I'm not sure if I have any new ones or if my old ones are just showing up a little more. I'm not too worried about it because the ones I got from the boys faded pretty quickly. Plus, I don't plan on wearing a bikini any time soon.

Sleep? Not so great lately. I have all but cut out caffeine but I still have trouble resting well. My restless legs have come back with a vengeance. It feels like I've got a million little needles poking me. And every time I roll over the chubster rolls over onto my bladder so I immediately have to get up to pee. He's seriously been trying to make me pee on myself all week. He's been super violent in there and is taking it all out on my bladder. Not cool little big man! This morning I woke up and I'm pretty sure I had not rolled over all night. I usually wake up to roll over and I don't remember waking at all. I also had to pee so bad that when I did finally get to my feet, I had to hurry to the potty because I seriously thought I was going to pee all over myself. Don't worry, I made it!

Best moment this week? Its been a pretty uneventful week but probably the fact that Mom was here last weekend and finally got me somewhat into the nesting spirit. Over the last few days I've pretty much gotten my hospital bag packed and gotten a ton of laundry done. While Mom was here, she did a ton of laundry, got all of the baby's stuff washed from NB up to 3 months (just incase he is a chunker when he's born),  blankets, hats, socks, etc. We got his makeshift nursery set up in our room since first of all, his "nursery" is also the guest room, and second, its on the other side of the house. So we got the pack-n-play set up (still got to attached the bassinet), got a plastic "dresser" thing with all of his essentials (gowns, onesies, swaddles, bibs, burp clothes, etc), and a cedar chest with all of the blankets and things that won't fit in the "dresser". That way it'll all be right here close instead of having to walk to the other side of the house to get it. Especially since we will have guests staying in that bedroom for a couple of weeks. Honestly, I am nowhere near as stressed out about having everything perfect this time. I think last time, being the first time, I obsessively nested starting at about 22 weeks. I got started pretty much as soon as we found out their genders. This time, 1) I don't have as much time to think about it, and 2) I've already been there done that and I know we've got pretty much everything we need so there's no point in worrying. 

Miss anything? I've been absolutely exhausted lately. Chasing the boys around wears me out. Most days I do the bare minimum and anything on top of that is just icing on the cake. I'm really trying to take in these last few weeks with my boys before they have to share Mommy with little brother. Although I'm super excited to be adding another sweet little boy, I can't help but feel a tiny bit bad that they'll have to share even more time with us. But, I just remember that kids are resilient and as long as we do the best we can and show them as much love as possible, they'll be okay. 

Feeling movement yet? Oh yea. Child is going cray-cray. Today in our LifeGroup, I learned not to push him out of my ribs because he will just take it out on my bladder. "Get back in my ribs little buddy!"

Food cravings? Ice cream, ice cold water, strawberry PopTarts.

Food aversions? Nothing really. It changes day to day. 

Symptoms? Typical pregnancy stuff. Back pain, pelvic pressure and pain, hip pain, round ligament pain, trouble breathing, trouble sleeping, restless legs, congestion, fatigue, etc lol. 

Anything making me queasy or nauseous? Not that I can think of.

Signs of labor? None so far. I'm just praying my body can make it to 39 weeks! 

Rings, on or off? I wore all three all day today with ZERO issues. Yay!!! First time in forever!

Mood? Impatient lol. I've also had a few days lately where I just feel like anything could make me cry for no reason. Stupid hormones!

Looking forward to anything? Meeting this baby boy! Smith and Sanford seem so big now. It's going to be so crazy having another itty bitty baby. I still can't believe we're so close.

31 Weeks vs. 32 Weeks

32 Weeks (Twins) vs. 32 Weeks (Singleton)
It cracks me up looking back at pictures from my last pregnancy. I feel like I always looked defeated and exhausted haha. Not that I look all chipper this go 'round or anything but last time, I don't think I realized just how worn out I looked and felt. This pregnancy I've had more energy but I think I've had more pain.