Wednesday, September 23, 2015

34 Weeks

Man, reality is really starting to sink in. In just over a month, we will be bringing home our sweet baby boy and life will get even more crazy than it already is. Zach's job here in Cape Coral will be finishing up right around the time I'm due which means we could be facing another move soon after he's born (And no, we don't know where we will be going after this job is over. Chances are, we probably won't know until a week or so before they expect Zach on site.). Plus, the holidays will be quickly closing in on us which means we will probably be doing a lot of traveling. Add a newborn baby, two 18 month olds, 3 labs, a tired mommy and daddy, and a minimum 12 hour trip home to that equation and you've got craziness. Why can't we ever do anything the easy way lol? But I guess that's what makes life interesting, right?

34 Weeks

How big is baby? According to BabyCenter he is about 4lbs12oz and almost 18in long (roughly the size of a cantaloupe) but he weighed about 4lbs13oz at my last ultrasound 2 weeks ago so I think its safe to say that he's grown. I had my 34 week appointment yesterday afternoon and when my doctor measured my belly, he just chuckled and said "well, looks like you've got a healthy baby in there." He seems to be finding it funny every time he measures my belly. I forgot to ask him how many weeks I'm measuring now but with that reaction I'm guessing I'm measuring 2-3 weeks ahead as usual. 

Total weight gain? At my doctor appointment two weeks ago, they were super busy and took me the other side of the office where a different nurse checked my vitals and weighed me on a different scale than usual. That scale said I had not gained any weight since my previous appointment but being a different scale, who knows how true that was. Yesterday, they weighed me on the usual scale and it said I had gained 8lbs in 2 weeks which I'm 95% sure isn't true. I just weighed on our home scale and even though I've already eaten breakfast and had a good bit to drink, it says I've gained about 3-4lbs since I last weighed but since I usually weigh first thing in the morning before I eat or drink anything, I don't know how accurate that is. Soooo anyways, we'll say that I've gained a total of about 43lbs. Yikes!

What is baby up to? Still very active. The doctor yesterday said he thinks he may have turned around. He was breech at my last appointment. I hadn't really noticed a huge difference in the way I felt but I have noticed the jabs are a little different than they had been. I was having a lot of discomfort in my ribs and a ton of hard kicks to my bladder but the last several days it seems like less pressure under my ribs and more jabs right around my belly button so who knows. I guess we won't know unless they have to do another ultrasound.

Started showing yet? Oh yea. According to most strangers I come in contact with, I am "too big". I've actually started telling people that I'm due "in a few weeks" when they ask. It sounds better than 5 weeks lol.

Maternity clothes? Well, yea. And most of my tops are juuuust about too short. I have to be pretty strategic with stretching my stretchy cotton tops over "the belly".

Stretch marks? I don't think there's any new ones but hey, what's a few more?

Sleep? Zach is convinced that our mattress is getting worn where we both sleep every night so instead of flipping it, we tried to swap sides of the bed the other night. BIG mistake! I have a chronically pinched/irritated left sciatic nerve which makes it really hard to lay on my left side so I always sleep on the right side of the bed. The night we tried swapping was miserable. I couldn't get comfortable to save my life. I think I finally fell asleep at about 3AM and woke up hurting. The very next night I insisted we swap back. I slept soooo much better. I do usually have to get up at least once or twice, sometimes three times in the night. I've also had some seriously bad restless legs for the last several weeks. I remember I had them bad with the boys too and it is so irritating. Just lately they've started not only bothering me at night but also during the day, mostly in the evening. It feels like I have a million little needles poking me and I have trouble sitting still.

Best moment this week? Zach's parents came down for the weekend which allowed he and I to get a little one on one time. Friday night we went to the movies to see the new Maze Runner movie and then Saturday we both got pedicures :) and grabbed lunch. 

Miss anything? Feeling good lol. But I know that in just a few weeks I will be feeling much better AND we will have another sweet little baby boy to love on.

Feeling movement yet? Constantly.

Food cravings? Nothing particular. Just sweets in general and anything easy. I don't have the energy or even the care to cook much so I'm usually going for super easy stuff. Think chicken and rice and cereal.

Food aversions? Nothing really. Just trying to avoid spicy stuff since I've had an increase in heartburn and reflux.

Symptoms? All of the annoying stuff. A lot of pain in my back, pubic bone and hips, legs, tailbone; restless legs, rib pain, peeing frequently, heartburn and reflux, round ligament pain, fatigue. You know, the usual. Some times its easy to focus on how tired I am and how much my body can hurt at times, but then I remember that it'll all be over soon and it won't be long before I long for these sweet movements I feel inside of me. Pregnancy is tough but it is all so worth it.

Anything making me queasy or nauseous? Not really. Just frequent heartburn and reflux.

Signs of labor? None. Praying it stays that way.

Rings, on or off? Off at home, on when I leave the house. I can tell I'm starting to retain more water and swell a little more. I put on all of my rings yesterday to wear to my doctor appointment but they were so tight I had to settle for wearing just my engagement ring. They were so tight, I had a little trouble getting them off lol.

Mood? These stupid pregnancy hormones still have me feeling all emotional and junk. I hate this part of pregnancy. The smallest things can make me cry and I over think everything.

Looking forward to anything? Meeting this sweet little boy and becoming a family of 5.

33 Weeks vs. 34 Weeks

34 Weeks (Twins) vs. 34 Weeks (Singleton)