Tuesday, January 21, 2014

25 down, 12 to go!

25 weeks

How big is baby? Internet says they are both about 1 1/2 lbs but they were that big 2 weeks ago. I'll be curious to see how much they've grown when I go back to the doctor in a couple of weeks. They must be growing a lot because I am hungry ALL THE TIME.

What is baby up to? Still moving a lot. I love when they both get going and I can literally feel them both kicking all in all corners of my belly. 

Maternity clothes? Looking like I'll probably be in them for a while.

Stretch marks? Yes. 

Sleep? I tend to get really thirsty at night, no matter how much water I drink throughout the day so I have been getting up several times a night for the last week. 

Best moment this week? My mom coming up and spending the weekend helping me get organized and my thoughts organized. 

Miss anything? Sleeping throughout the night and my pre-pregnancy skin.

Feeling movement yet? Almost constantly.

Cravings? Nothing specific, just hungry all the time.

Food aversions? Same (Chinese and BBQ). Coffee smell kind of grosses me out too.

Started showing? Obviously.

Gender? BOYS! 

Signs of labor? Nope.

Belly button, in or out? Almost out.

Wedding rings, on or off? Engagement ring on, wedding bands off.

Mood? Oh dear. I am an emotional wreck. Everything feels magnified and I can cry at the drop of a hat.

Looking forward to...? Going home this weekend for baby showers.