Thursday, January 9, 2014

Got to see our boys dance today...

23 weeks 2 days

How big is baby? Went to the doctor today, Smith is 1 lb 7 oz and Ford is 1 lb 6 oz. That's almost 3 lbs of baby. They didn't tell me how long they each are but I just read somewhere that they are about 11 inches long.

What is baby up to? MOVING! They have been moving a lot more lately. Smith likes to jab me in my bladder while Ford thinks its funny to not allow me to breath. Today at the doctor, she was listening to their heart beats and Smith kicked the doppler. The look on her face was rather funny. 

Maternity clothes? Yep.

Stretch marks? Yep. Got tiger cubs in there.

Sleep? I'm doing a lot of it these days...still. I could sleep all night and all day if I could. I sleep pretty good for the most part. Its getting really tough to roll over and sit up so I usually wake up if I need to roll over. The potty trips are becoming more and more frequent too. 

Best moment this week? Getting to see the boys dancing around on the ultrasound today. Also, just knowing that they are looking great and everything is going well. I think I will always have that fear in the back of my mind as do most expectant mothers I'm sure. 

Miss anything? Energy. Sleeping on my back and tummy. Obviously I can't sleep on my tummy because I would smush them and sleeping on my back causes me to not be able to breath and to feel like all circulation is cut off to my entire body. Not fun.

Feeling movement yet? Oh yea. I love laying really still and pushing on my belly and feeling them push back. Sometimes music works too.

Cravings? My sweet tooth is getting worse and worse. Been wanting S'mores a lot lately :( Still loving raw veggies (mostly cucumbers), bananas and PB, grilled onions and bell peppers, and drinking LOTS and LOTS of water.

Food aversions? Chinese usually doesn't sound too good to me still, tuna, BBQ.

Started showing? Yes.

Gender? Still boys. They double checked today :)

Signs of labor? Nope. Those boys better keep cooking for a while.

Belly button, in or out? Still in but working its way out. Kinda gross.

Wedding rings, on or off? Just wearing one ring these days. My hands swells off and on so its just easier.

Mood? Really grouchy. I feel like I'm not in the talking mood very often. I'm more content with just sitting and being quiet....usually. Easily annoyed too. So pretty much nothing has changed :)

Looking forward to...? Meeting these little punks but I'm perfectly fine with it being a long time from now. I don't wish them to come early AT ALL. I'll be miserable for a little while longer if it means they are well done when they come out.