Friday, April 4, 2014

Sooo about this whole slowing down thing...

Well, we made to the weekly appointment stage. From now on I will see my doctor and have ultrasounds once a week until they're born. I saw my doctor yesterday for a check up then had an ultrasound appointment today. Nothing much happened at the doctor. They weighed me, checked my BP, ran a test or two and sent me on my way. Today at the ultrasound, they did the typical monthly measurements on  both boys and just made sure everything is still looking good with them. With twins, they can't measure me externally like they would with a singleton so they have to do an ultrasound to check both babies' growth. That's a perk of having twins because you get to have monthly ultrasounds the whole pregnancy until the end when they do them every week. Up until this last month, they have been able to give us pretty good profile pictures of both boys and to easily measure them as well. When the girl put the wand on my belly today, the screen was almost black. I asked why it was so dark and she said because they are so squished in there, they shadow over each other so its hard to see a clear picture. Last month they were 4 lbs 4 oz and 4 lbs 10 oz which was approximately a 2 lb gain for each baby since my previous ultrasound the month prior. They've been telling us all along that instead of speeding up in growth during the third trimester like a singleton would, twins will actually slow down due to lack of space. Well, I'm quickly approaching full term and still waiting on them to slow down - not that I'm encouraging it. I gained right at 4 lbs this past month and every bit of that went to the boys. This ultrasound they measured 6 lbs 13 oz and 6 lbs 5 oz. The ultrasound tech even asked me if I had been checked for gestational diabetes yet. I had to laugh a little when I told her yes and that I passed with flying colors. All she said was "Oh, well that's great!".

We are so blessed and thankful for healthy babies thus far. This pregnancy has been tough in the fact that everything has moved so quickly and been multiplied by two but otherwise it has been utterly uneventful. We can not thank The Lord enough for that. Now we are hoping and praying for a healthy end of the pregnancy, a safe delivery, and two healthy baby boys. Oh, a healthy momma and sane daddy would be nice too. I go back to the doctor Tuesday so maybe I'll have some new info for my weekly update. Until then, keep cookin' boys!