Tuesday, April 1, 2014

35 Weeks: Won't be long now

This is the week that I set as my original long term goal to make it to. Of course early on there were short term milestones that I was hoping and praying we would meet such as 12 weeks when we could announce our good news to the world, 20 weeks which is half way, 30 weeks which is 3/4 of the way to the end, etc. Early on I told myself that if I could make it to 35 weeks I would be okay with having them this early. Ideally I have planned to carry them longer but I felt like 35 was a good, obtainable time where I would feel like I had made it to a pretty good safe point in the pregnancy. Now that I'm here, I'm realizing that my outlook on my pregnancy during those early weeks was pretty spot on. I imagined myself being pretty miserable, even though I didn't really know what that misery would entail, which was spot on. I imagined I would be pretty fatigued...again, spot on. I imagined my belly would be, well, rather large....and once again, spot on. The last few weeks I have grown more and more miserable and I can definitely feel the end is drawing near. I am constantly on the lookout for signs of impending labor. Any change in, well anything I am looking it up or asking my mom if I'm going crazy or if it is indeed a sign. Usually its nothing (obviously since I haven't gone into labor yet) so I just forget about it until my next possible sign. I have noticed recently but especially within the last several days that the boys have begun to shift downwards. Everyone has been telling me lately that I look like I'm dropping and yea, I probably have been for a few weeks but I can actually feel it now. **Before anyone gets alarmed, or excited, it isn't always a sign of soon to come labor. I've read, and heard, that it is pretty common for women to "drop" weeks before they actually deliver. So don't any of you start freaking out and thinking I'm for sure going into labor tonight, tomorrow, or even this week. This momma, as miserable as she may be, is still holding out for 37 weeks, or later.** Now that I've made it to 35 weeks, my next goal is to make it to 36 weeks. Then it'll be 37 weeks. I'm just taking it week by week at this point but I have a feeling that soon I will taking it day by day.This dang belly is making it tough to sit in an upright position. Laying horizontally is about the only way I can be remotely comfortable. These heifers are just too darn big. At least laying down the weight of my belly isn't sqishing all of my organs. So, hopefully I will get to update the blog with "belly pictures" at least one or two more times. Then, it will be updated with pictures of much cuter subjects, BABIES!!!!

35 Weeks

How big is baby? Considering they are obviously running out of room in there, they are obviously still growing. They're taking up every inch it seems like.

What is baby up to? Moving around a ton! I'm not sure if they are just hyper or if they are fighting for territory. Either way, they've both been pretty active lately.

Maternity Clothes? Sweats or yoga pants and t-shirts that used to be baggy but don't even cover my entire "bump" anymore. Its about as attractive as it sounds.

Stretch marks? Mmmmhhmmmm.

Sleep? Doing a lot of it. Getting up to pee several times a night which makes me sleep longer to make up for it. Sleeping a lot of the day too. What? I gotta soak it up while I can.

Best moment this week? I haven't really felt like going anywhere or doing anything for a while but today, since I actually did my makeup and did my hair, I figured it was as good a time as any to go out to dinner. So we got to have nice little dinner and Zach even went into the pet store and bought the dogs dog food. How romantic?

Miss anything? It hasn't changed much, my momma, good quality sleep, being able to stand up without pain, being able to sit upright in general lol, being able to touch my toes without wheezing and about passing out, my energy. 

Feeling movement yet? It's painful at times. Last night we were watching TV and all of the sudden, Sanford kicked/punched/spazzed out or something and it hurt! I jumped about a foot because it startled me so bad. Them having so little room in there makes every movement even more noticeable.

Cravings? Nothing really sounds good to me lately. Skim milk (lactose free of course) with Ovaltine is always a good night time snack. We go through orange juice pretty quickly too because Zach and I each drink a glass or two every morning before he leaves for work. I think drinking a gallon or more of water every day for the last 7 months has gotten me burnt out on it. Granola bars. They're about the only food that I don't mind eating regularly. Weird I know.

Food aversions? Pretty much everything the last few days but mostly still greasy food, Chinese food, and BBQ. Good thing everyone knows this and loves to be smarty pants about it and suggest one of these things every time we go out. Zach and his dad are the worst. Let me tell you, ITS NOT FUNNY! 

Started showing? Roll of the eyes....

Gender? Boys!

Signs of labor?  There's been a few small things that are signs that the end is near but nothing major. Just my body preparing for impending labor.

Belly button, in or out? Outty.

Wedding rings, on or off? Off. I might need to go to a department store or something and buy one of those big ol' CZ rings. You know, the ones that if they were real would only be worn by Carrie Underwood or Beyonce´?

Mood? Grumpy...And thank you to my sweet and wonderful husband who looooves to pick at me even when he knows, he KNOWS, I'm not in the mood. Isn't he great? No seriously, isn't he great? For him to be able to put up with me being pregnant and a total scrooge for the last several months, I'm pretty sure he is the most amazing man I could have even been blessed with. He's going to be such a great daddy, even if he does threaten to team up on me with the boys. For the first time ever, us girls will be outnumbered 4-3. That's alright though, everyone says little boys looove their mommas so good luck Zach.

Looking forward to...? My sweet boys being here! Every day goes by slower and slower. I'm so anxious to see what they look like, to hug them, to kiss them, and just to be their mommy. Our world is about to turned upside down and I absolutely cannot wait! Keep cookin' boys!

In the next few weeks we are going to need lots of prayers so I thought I would add a few specific things that you can pray for if you would like:

-a smooth last few weeks of pregnancy
-a safe delivery (most likely a c-section)
-healthy baby boys
-wisdom in the doctors and nurses
-peace over me and Zach
-safe travels for our parents
-a speedy recovery
-patience (mostly for me)
-good behavior from the dogs :)

Thank you all for all the love and support you have all given us over the past few months. We truly feel every thought and prayer. We are all so blessed to have so many great people in our lives and look forward to keeping everyone updated on this crazy journey we call life.