Monday, February 17, 2014

2 months and counting!

**Disclaimer: (I feel like a disclaimer is necessary before each and every one of my posts.) I have never been one to have much of a filter on what comes out of my mouth so I feel it might be necessary to warn some of you that while I try my best to keep the TMI details to a minimum, there may be a few things said, err typed, that you might think inappropriate. My dad would probably be one of those people :) Sorry but I don't update this blog to sugar coat pregnancy. I feel that I should be honest about how I feel. Believe me, there are a lot of things that I leave out of my posts each week that is a lot more detailed or graphic but I figure I'll save you from that. Reader beware. Disclaimer over.**

I feel like a lot has happened in this last week but when I think about it, nothing has really happened. Zach has been working his typical 12 hour days, I've been doing my usually 12+ hour resting during the days and we have both been doing a lot of sitting in the evenings. I have been so exhausted lately that I don't feel like doing a single thing. I'm doing good to wash a load or two of laundry. I had my glucose test Friday a week ago and they said they would only call me if I failed or if there was any other problems with my blood work. The doctor told me it would be a few days but the girl who drew my blood said they would know the next day (Friday). When I didn't hear from them Friday I was hopeful that I had passed but wouldn't be sure until Monday or Tuesday. Thursday came around and my phone rang. It was my doctor. My heart sunk because I was afraid that somehow they had forgotten to call me and that he was actually calling to tell me that I failed my glucose test and that I would have to come in again and do the 4 hour test. Turns out I KILLED the glucose test -I scored 122 (140 or lower is passing)- but my iron levels were low. No wonder I've been so exhausted lately. Anemia is common during pregnancy but even more so if you're pregnant with multiples. I've noticed myself being more and more exhausted over probably the last month but just figured it was because I'm measuring like someone 9 months pregnant. I have started taking iron twice a day but I doubt I'll really be feeling a lot better for at least a week. I'm hoping that once my anemia gets under control I will feel more like myself. Most days, just showering is a daunting task. After I walk upstairs, I have to take a 10 to 15 min break just to feel like I can stand in the shower for 10 minutes. 

On a positive note, my nesting instincts have been in full swing. We have ALMOST all of the essentials and I have been organizing and reorganizing everything. As I've mentioned in a previous post, we moved our bedroom downstairs into the spare room and also have the baby stuff set up in here. It will be MUCH more convenient not having to scale the stairs several times a day but fitting everything into this somewhat small room has been difficult. I like for everything to have a place and I don't think I will be satisfied until I have a basket or drawer to put every item in. Right now there are still piles in the floor and it is beginning to make my eye twitch. I figure if I do a little every day I will eventually get it all in order. I just wish Zach shared my same feelings about everything having a place and it actually being in its place. He leaves something out and I go behind him and put it up. Then he says I hide things from him. I have to remind him that pants don't belong draped over the floor lamp and he doesn't have to have all 15 of his coats hanging on the hall tree that is only designed to hold about 5 coats max. Men! I wouldn't know what to do if I didn't have him around though. 

In other news, Zach has been banished to the couch...well, sort of. We have been having trouble sleeping for probably the last couple of months because I toss and turn all night unable to get comfortable. He has been asking me if I wanted him to move to the couch or guest bedroom for a long while but I've been avoiding it. I just feel bad that he can't sleep in his own bed -but I'm not about to offer to sleep in there lol. There's no way my fat butt could sleep on that little couch. I need the whole bed just to turn from one side to the other. You try having 20+ lbs of belly to lift and move across your body to the other side. It ain't easy, I tell ya! What's even more sad is his first night on the couch was Valentines night. How romantic, huh? I'm not going to lie though, I've slept pretty darn good these last couple of nights. I don't think he would say the same, unfortunately. Hopefully his neck will get used to being cricked all the time :)

29 Weeks (Tomorrow)

I can't believe that I will be full term (37 weeks) in just 8 weeks. Zach doesn't seem to think I will be able to make that long but I'm praying they cook for as long as possible, no matter how miserable I get.

How big is baby? says they weigh about 2.5 lbs each (about the size of a butternut squash) but I think I am to the point where when most singleton babies are really packing on the weight, our twins are slowing down a little due to limited space. I go to the doctor Friday but I will only do an in office ultrasound so I don't know if they will check their weights or not. I start my 2 week appointments Friday but will continue only having monthly ultrasounds for a few more weeks. 

What is baby up to? Both boys have had the hiccups the last couple of days. Saturday I woke up and Sanford had them and then yesterday morning Smith had them when I woke up. Sanford has also taken up refuge right under my ribs. I have to practically sit leaned back 90% of the time, otherwise my ribs are on fire. Sometimes I can massage him down for temporary relief but most times he's stubborn and wants to be right up next to mommy's heart. Smith has also started going to town on my bladder which can be pretty uncomfortable. With all that said, I'm still not to the point that I want the pregnancy to end. I'm sure I will be very soon but right now, no pain or lack of comfort is going to make me wish them out into this world quite yet. Keep cookin' boys!

Maternity clothes? Oh yea. Sweat pants and stretchy tops are my best friend. Tee shirts aren't comfortable anymore because they don't have enough give in the belly to be comfy. They seem so stiff nowadays.

Stretch marks? My belly is really growing lately. I can tell because my skin is so sensitive. I try to avoid even looking at my belly these days because I know the stretch marks are only getting worse.

Sleep? Like I mentioned earlier in this post, Zach has recently moved to the couch so I have slept pretty well the last few nights. I don't think he can say the same but hopefully he will get used to it. Its so nice being able to roll from one edge of the bed when I need to swap sides instead of roll a little, scoot over a little, roll some more, scoot some more. Like I said before, it ain't easy getting all dis moved over. I need all the room I can get.

Best moment this week? I always love feeling them kick. Its probably creepy to some but sometimes when they get hyped up, I like to pull my shirt up and watch my bare belly jump around. Its rather entertaining.

Miss anything? Energy. I hope this iron kicks in soon and does the trick. How am I suppose to get everything ready when I can't even get out of bed.

Feeling movement? Almost constantly.

Cravings? Ice! I love crunching on some ice but for some reason people in New Jersey don't believe in refills or know the meaning of extra ice. When we go out to eat I always ask for ice water. They usually bring me a glass of water with about 5 pieces of ice in it which I devour in about 10 seconds. I usually end up asking for just a cup of ice because otherwise they will only fill up my water (upon request only) and won't add any more ice. Ugh! Rant over.

Food aversions? Same, BBQ and Chinese. 

Started showing? ......(eye roll).......

Gender? MY boys!!!! They say boys love their mommas...I'm hoping mine are no exception.

Signs of labor? Nope. 

Belly button, in or out? Out...ugh.

Wedding rings, on or off? Still wearing my engagement ring.

Mood? Usually grumpy, probably from being tired all of the time. 

Looking forward to...? Getting everything in order and meeting these sweet little miracles. I can't even imagine holding them in my arms but I look forward to it every single day.