Tuesday, February 4, 2014

What a day...(WARNING! Long and full of drama!)

Wow, what a day. I'm almost too anxious to even type it out. Have you ever had one of those days that if one thing didn't go right or as planned, NOTHING did? Yea well that day was today for me.

 I was originally supposed to fly home tomorrow, Wednesday, but with bad weather coming to the Northeast, Zach thought it would be best for me to try to get on a flight today. He called me at 7am this morning waking me up (I was passed out), and told me that if I didn't want to wait until next week some time to come home I better get up and try to catch a 10am flight out of Birmingham. Problem was I would need Mom to take me to the airport and she would need to leave at LEAST by 7:15am to get me there and still be able to MAYBE get to work somewhat on time. I jumped up and started throwing stuff in my suitcase -whichI had planned to pack today after I washed all of my clothes. I decided to skip the shower and just do a "whore bath", as miserable as I knew it would make me, so that I could get there. We quickly realized that Mom wouldn't be able to take me for time's sake so I was either going to take their spare vehicle or get Dad to come home and take me. It wasn't too long before Zach called me back and said the 10am flight was ok but my connecting flight from Chicago to Philadelphia was cancelled so I would have to wait until 4pm to fly to Orlando to Philly. Since I had plenty of time, I decided I would go with Mom to physical therapy for her knee at about 9:30am. After that, I came home and got the rest of my stuff packed and Dad and I were going to grab some lunch on the way to the airport. About 2 minutes after we left the house, Zach text me to let me know my now later flight through Orlando had also been cancelled and that I'd probably be stuck in Birmingham for several more days. Its not that I don't want to stay and spend more time with family and friends but honestly, this momma is tired and ready to see her hubby and pups. To make this long story slightly shorter, I'll leave out the rest of the details of my day but just know, there was a couple of times throughout the rest of the day that I thought I was going to be able to get on a flight this afternoon but I would need to leave immediately in order to get there. None of those options worked out but that doesn't mean I wasn't a nervous wreck all day. I still am. 

Zach eventually got me booked on a flight for tomorrow afternoon from Birmingham to Orlando and then on to Philadelphia. We were still pretty nervous that I might get canceled or at least delayed or rerouted or something and my nerves just can't handle that right now. I am in my last week of my second trimester, I'm feeling like I'm 9 months pregnant (with one baby) and my claustrophobia is in full swing. I literally have a panic attack if I feel confined or what I call "knotted up" which is just where I feel like I don't have good circulation and that makes me hot and unable to breathe easily which makes me panic. That includes sitting in a low down car (thankfully I drive a Suburban), having to sit still for a long time (such as church) - especially if I'm in an uncomfortable chair. All of this makes flying on a tiny airplane pretty miserable for me. No leg room, no arm room, no BELLY room, turbulence, stinky people, "fasten seatbelt" sign...well, you get the idea. 

Thankfully I have a wonderful friend, Shane Ledbetter, who works at the Birmingham airport and he hounded me until I gave in and let him find me an earlier flight. He got me on a flight at 10am which arrives at 4:30pm tomorrow. Like he said, the earlier the better. Please just pray that I don't have any delays or cancelations and also that I don't go into a full on pregnancy breakdown. No tears please! I'm just glad I'm not traveling anymore once I make it back to Philly...IF that ever happens.

Now, on to the less panic-stricken part....the questions.

27 Weeks 
(10 more to go)

(Definitely not my best picture but after the day I've had, I don't even care. Oh, and ignore my sock feet. We did a better picture but I accidentally deleted it so this was as good as I cared to make the second one.)

How big is baby? About 2 lbs and about 14.5 inches long (about the size of a head of cauliflower).

What is baby up to? Still pretty active. I love watching my belly dance. Who knew I was a belly dancer. Babycenter.com says they are waking and sleeping at regular intervals, opening and closing their eyes, and possibly even sucking on their fingers.

Maternity clothes? Oh yea. The stuff I bought early on is starting to get a little short in the torso area. Most soon-to-be mommies don't start having this problem until probably week 32 or so, I've been feeling a little snug in most of mine since about week 24. Oh the perks of having twins lol.

Stretch marks? I'm pretty sure my belly will look like Kate Gosselin's after she had 6 at one time. Tiger cubs.

Sleep? Comes and goes. I'm ok until I lay in one position for too long and I start hurting. Then when I try to roll over I feel like my ribs on that side with break from the weight and my stomach muscles just might tear. I feel like I have to carry my belly to the other side. I don't think the boys like switching sides because it always feels like they are leaning against the direction I want to go. Punks :)

Best moment this week? My church that I grew up at threw me a baby shower Sunday and it was a BLAST. I got to see a lot of people I haven't gotten to see in a very long time. My dad got the music minister job the September before I was born in May so I've literally gone to that church from the VERRRRY beginning (my mom will probably blush when she reads that part). The shower was a blast and I literally did not want to leave. Knowing this was my last chance to see most of these people for a very very long time, I hated to see the day end. Hopefully we can all keep in touch via Facebook.

Miss anything? My somewhat clear skin. These boys are making my skins so oily and I feel like a teenage boy. I'm not even sure I had this many zits when I went through puberty. Its ridiculous. 

Feeling movement yet? They have slowed down just a tad in the last few days. I still  feel them moving a lot but they were deeper down so I don't get to watch my belly move around as much. The movements now are more jabs in the bladder and ribs. The other day I could literally feel my ribs expanding. The muscles around the base of my ribs are always sore so when Sanford gets close its pretty painful but usually only lasts a few seconds and then I can shimmy him down low enough to ease the pain. No matter how uncomfortable it is, I still love all the movements. They just remind me of the miracle in my belly and how much our lives are going to change in just a short amount of time. I can't wait to meet them!

Cravings? The last probably 2 months it has been ice water. My parents' refrigerator has an ice maker so that last week and a half I have probably doubled their water bill from the crazy amount of times I fill up my cup with crushed ice and water. I literally crave the feeling of the ice crunching. Its so weird. My other weird "craving" is the smell of laundry detergent and some household cleaners. I could sniff clean laundry for hours I do believe. 

Food aversions? BBQ, Chinese. Thankfully I'm still loving fruit and veggies and overall healthy stuff. I splurge a little more often than I was at the beginning but overall I would rather eat something pretty healthy.

Started showing? HA! I may just be paranoid but when I'm in public I feel like everyone is staring at me thinking "she's ready to pop any day". Sometimes I want to say "oh, if you only knew that I still 2 1/2 more months to go...". I love to see people's reactions when they ask me when I'm due and I tell them May. Its rather hilarious. Sometimes I leave off the part about the twins just to make them squirm. Oh the simple pleasures...

Gender? Still boys...I hope.

Signs of labor? No and I hope to keep it that way for about 2 1/2 more months.

Belly button, in or out? I don't know why it freaks me out so bad but it is almost completely out. Running out of room.

Wedding rings, on or off? Just engagement ring these days and that gets pretty tight if I've been up walking around or standing and have started swelling.

Mood? A nervous wreck the last day or so. The paper thin filter that The Lord blessed me with has become even thinner so watch out. If you don't want to hear my real, honest to goodness opinion, please don't ask.

Looking forward to...? Being back in New Jersey with my man and my pups. I can't wait to just know that I am done traveling for good and next time I fly anywhere I will be the mother of two sweet boys. This whole flying while pregnant thing is for the birds...whatever that means.

**I have realized that I use the word "literally" WAAAAY too much. I will be seeking help for this as soon as I get back to "Yankeetown"**