Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I just can't believe it!

I can't believe we are already at 30 weeks! This pregnancy really has flown by. Its sad really. I can definitely tell the end is beginning to draw near. I'm not sure if feeling like total crap attributes to that feeling or not but I have a feeling it does. As I mentioned last week, my iron has been low which has made me utterly useless. I have literally spent more time horizontal than I have vertical. Like today, I met Zach and a few of his coworkers for lunch (where we sat for about an hour) and then went and got a pedicure and got my nails done (where I sat for another hour) and when I left the nail salon I literally thought I was going to fall out. I came straight home, changed into some comfy clothes, and got on the couch. I think I slept for at least 2 hours. Thankfully the dogs like to sleep a lot too so we all just napped together. Since Zach has been on the couch for going on 2 weeks, the couch is made up kind of like a bed with sheets and a comforter and his memory foam pillow so its more comfy than I guess it would otherwise be. I think the iron is beginning to work, I at least THINK about being productive. A week or two ago I couldn't even do that. I have literally been a zombie for weeks. I thank The Good Lord above that He gave me an amazing husband who only complains on occasion ;) about my unproductiveness. 

We went to the doctor Friday. They didn't do an ultrasound (bummer) but I will go next Thursday for another office visit and ultrasound to check on how the boys are growing. We saw a different doctor than we've seen in the past (there are about 7 doctors in this practice) and we liked him a lot. I think we're both hoping he will be on duty when I go into labor. Its still hard to believe that the boys will be here so soon. Praying for April babies! Preferably mid to late April.

30 weeks

How big is baby? babycenter.com says they are each about 15.7 inches long and about 3 lbs each. It's hard to know how big they will be since there's two of them and at this point in a multiple pregnancy, the babies start to slow down a little compared to singleton babies since they are running out of room. I guess we'll see exactly how big they are next Thursday. I can't wait.

What is baby up to? These boys are so active I don't know if they EVER sleep. I feel them moving literally constantly throughout the day. Even when I wake up at night to potty, usually at least one of them is moving around. They have also each had the hiccups almost every day for probably the last week. 

Maternity Clothes? Mmhmm.

Stretch marks? Ummm hello! I have two human beings in my belly!

Sleep? Now that Zach is on the couch (bless his heart) I sleep a lot better but I wake up sore. I guess that's a sign that I'm sleeping pretty hard because I don't think I'm even rolling over except when I wake up to go potty. My hips, shoulders, and back are usually pretty sore when I wake up.

Best moment this week? I think just them being so active lately. I could watch my belly jump and twitch all day long. It never gets old.

Miss anything? Just overall comfort but I know that these two little miracles will be so much more than worth it that I hate to complain too much. I am so ready to meet them both!

Feeling movement yet? All day long.

Cravings? Its only really when we go out to eat but french fries. I'm craving sweets like ice cream and candy too! Everyone said it would come to this but geez, I didn't know it would be so hard to say no. There's a little mom-n-pop ice cream shop nearby that we love because the owners are so nice and friendly. (They even gave us free canolis last time we were in there). I want Scoopers every time we go out now.

Food aversions? Chinese. I think mostly because every time we go out to eat, we discuss where we want to go and Zach always says "Chinese" just to bug me. It doesn't help that he wants to go to this Chinese buffet right near the house that is AWFUL! TERRIBLE I tell you! I think its more out of annoyance than aversion to the actual food though. 

Started showing? Feeling huge. Its always funny when someone asks me if I'm ready to pop and I tell them I've still got until May. They don't realize that I'm carrying twins and I most likely won't last that long. I love the looks I get. 

Gender? Rambunctious boys.

Signs of labor? Nah. 

Belly button, in or out? Out....bleh!

Wedding rings, on or off? Engagement ring only. And that's getting a little more snug these days. I think I'm starting to retain more and more fluid. No bueno!

Mood? Been pretty good lately, I think. Maybe you should ask Zach. I think I've been too tired to be in much of any mood. 

Looking forward to...? My sweet boys being on this side of my tummy. I can't wait to hug and kiss them. It's going to be so surreal. I can't even imagine them being here.