Thursday, February 27, 2014

Pity Party: A Mid-Week Update

Its 5:30AM on Thursday, what am I usually doing? Sleeping. Or at least laying in the bed waiting to drift back off to sleep. Zach is usually leaving for work around this time. I like to get up with him so I can fix him something to eat (this morning it was a Pop Tart - per request lol) and crank his truck. Darn this cold, New Jersey weather. Is it summer yet? I used to let the dogs out when I got up but we've had snow on the ground for almost 2 months so Zach insists that he let them out. He knows how clumsy I can be, especially while pregnant. Thankfully the snow and ice have thawed (for the most part) and I can walk on our drive way fairly easily (I even wore flip-flops to let the dogs out this morning -don't worry, its still 12*). 

I feel like such a whiney baby lately. There's always SOMETHING to complain about. My back hurts (all the time now), my head hurts, I can't breathe, I can't sleep, My back hurts, my ribs hurt, I ate too much and my tummy doesn't have room for it all, I'm sleepy, I don't have the energy to cook or clean, oh and did I mention my back hurts? I feel guilty for complaining so much, I really do. With our what seemed to us major but most would deem minor trouble getting pregnant - and staying pregnant - I've always hated when pregnant girls complain about how miserable they are. Suck it up! You've got a dang miracle in your tummy! Not everyone has that privilege. These days I feel like one of those women (BTW: I don't know if I'll ever get used to referring to myself as a woman). I have so many friends who have in the past and are currently dealing with infertility, miscarriages, etc so I don't want to be that person who seems to not appreciate what I have. I thank The Lord every day for these two miracles in my belly and for letting them stay in for as long as they have. With that being said, more power to my mommy friends who worked during their pregnancy, no matter how much or for how long. The Lord knew what he was doing when he had Zach move onto a new project for work causing me to have to quit my job so that we could move and I could transfer to another store. Little did we know that in just a few short weeks we would conceive and I would feel like I had been hit by a Mack truck and need to sleep 20+ hours a day. Plus, who  wants to hire a pregnant girl, err woman? While Zach moved up to New Jersey, I was able to stay with my parents for my entire first trimester and sleep all I wanted. I'm not lying when I say I slept 18-20 hours a day most days. I slept about 14 hours every night, got up long enough to eat a small meal, sat or lay on the couch for an hour or two, got back in bed, slept until Mom and/or Dad got home, got up long enough to eat a small meal with them, and back to bed I went. As much as I love to sleep, I'm still amazed that I was able to sleep that much for 3+ months. These two boys really did/have done a number on my body lol. With that being said, I want to give a hand to those of you who worked while you were/are pregnant. I really believe that my pregnancy would not have gone as smoothly as it has if I had been working the whole time. Props go to all of you! Especially the mothers of multiples. Whether your job was/is out in the workplace or at home with your older kids. I seriously applaud you for that!

Well, I didn't really intend on this post to be this long -and boring- but I guess its time for me to go back to bed. Hopefully the dogs, at least Charli, will let me sleep late. Until lunch would be nice :) Good night and until next time!