Tuesday, March 11, 2014

32 Weeks....Eeeeek!!!

32 Weeks

How big is baby? Well, as I posted the other day, both boys have grown quite a bit over the last month. They were 2 lbs 6 oz and 2 lbs 7 oz at last months ultrasound. This month, Smith was 4 lbs 4 oz and Sanford was 4 lbs 10 oz.  I gained about 5 lbs over the last month and 4 of those lbs were baby weight. I still can't believe they each gained so much! I am hoping and praying that they keep growing so that they will hopefully not have to stay in the hospital for very long after birth.

What is baby up to? Still moving around a lot. Just this week I started being able to feel Sanford's head right under diaphragm. He is turned to my back so I'm pretty sure its him who I always feel kicking me in the bowels (TMI - sorry) and Smith is turned slightly to my right side so I usually see him kicking on my side. And both of them are breach (punks!) so they both like to kick me in the bladder.

Maternity Clothes? Most of my maternity tops over the last couple of weeks I've noticed are fitting me a little shorter than they were. Luckily I don't really feel like going out in public much anyways these days so looking "cute" isn't really an issue but I still have to make sure the band of my maternity jeans isn't showing before I leave the house. That is NOT cute.

Stretch marks? Stretch marks are inevitable, especially having twins. I just can't understand how some people don't have them at all during pregnancy. I'd like to know what it is they're using on their skin.

Sleep? Doing a lot of it lately. My energy level is back up a bit meaning I can actually walk across a room without feeling like I'm going to pass out. With that being said, I am sleepy almost all of the time. I guess all this growing these boys are doing is really taking a toll on mommy.

Best moment this week? We went to a breastfeeding class tonight. It was pretty informative but mostly I think it just put us at ease a little more. It was put on by a lactation  consultant who works at the hospital I will be delivering at and she was super nice so hopefully we will be seeing her when the boys get here. Also, I think just crossing things off my to-do list has put me at ease and I don't feel quite so unprepared these days. Now I can just focus on getting lots of sleep before these boys throw a major wrench in my sleep schedule ;) 

Miss anything? Being able to sing along to the radio without having to take a deep breath midway through each and every verse. I can't hum more than a few words before I'm out of breath. Most everyone knows I sing along to EVERY. SINGLE. WORD. on the radio so this is quite miserable to me lol.

Feeling movement yet? All the time. I still enjoy watching my belly move. I'm waiting for the time when I can actually tell what body part it is that is scraping the inside of my abdomen. I don't think either of them has enough room to do a whole lot of stretching so I think they are both limited to mostly just jabs and pokes. They are definitely filling out my belly these days. 

Cravings? Just food in general. I eat every couple of hours. I've really been craving Diet Sunkist lately. I try to limit my artificial sugar intake but Diet Sunkist has been my indulgence lately. That's usually what I have for "dessert".

Food aversions?  Chinese. Trying to limit how much greasy foods I eat lately as well which is hard when I don't feel like cooking and Zach sure doesn't either. We've been eating out a lot lately and I try to eat well but no matter what I eat, eating out always makes me feel pretty gross.

Started showing? This belly needs its own zip code and my back definitely reminds me how big it is. Standing for more than just a few minutes results in a major back ache.

Gender? Boys.

Signs of labor? None so far. Still being very cautious. I constantly text/call my mom to make sure I'm not overlooking anything. I've been having round ligament pain for weeks/months but its getting worse every week. I reckon this gut is just too big for my muscles and ligaments to support lol.

Belly button, in or out? Out.

Wedding rings, on or off? Same as usual. Engagement ring on when I leave the house. Otherwise, nothing. 

Mood? Pretty good usually. Just feel exhausted most of the time so I'm not my usual goofy self.

Looking forward to...? Meeting my two handsome boys. I can tell the last week or so has really seemed to slow down. Probably due to just being so tired all of the time plus most of my to-do list is done. Up until a week or so ago I was constantly worrying about whether I was going to be able to get everything done in time but now that most everything is done, I can relax and that makes time pass slower. I'm really hoping the next 5 or so weeks goes by quickly. I don't know if I can stand it much longer. 

It is unreal how ready I am to meet my sweet little boys. I still can't believe that they will be here so soon! I'm doing everything I can to keep them in there for as long as possible but its so hard not to be anxious to meet them! I know life as we know it is going to change drastically but I am so ready for that change. I'm ready to see what they look like. I'm ready to get to know their little individual personalities. I'm ready to just kiss and hug on them for hours on end. I'm probably going to turn into one of those moms that I've always rolled my eyes at when they say they can't resist passing up a nap so that they can watch their child/children sleep. Most of all, I'm ready to experience this love that everyone always speaks of. I am so in love with these boys already but I know that once they are born, that love will only be multiplied tenfold. I can't imagine that kind of love but I know I will understand it soon enough. Until then, keep cookin' boys!!!