Tuesday, March 4, 2014

6 Weeks and counting!!!

Only 6 more weeks until I'm full term and anything after that is just icing on the cake. I can't believe we've already come this far. Thankfully I've gotten some of my energy back in the last several days so I have been trying to get as much done as possible. My hospital bag is almost completely packed. It should be considering I started packing it about a month ago lol. I only lack a couple of small things now. I've even got snacks for the hospital stay packed. Let's just hope Zach doesn't get the munchies. Maybe I should hide it. 

This week I've mostly been trying to declutter and organize the nursery so that everything has its place. That's not an easy task when you have the nursery and master bedroom smashed in a rather small, oblong room with no closets on this level of the house. It has forced me to get a little creative. With our nomad lifestyle I have gotten pretty good at not having a lot of extra stuff laying around so trinkets and gadgets are to a minimum, especially in this room. Just about every inch will be utilized for something. I'll have to post some pictures of the "nursery" soon. Ideally before the boys get here because we all know it won't look too cute and neat once they're here. Until then, it's rest and relaxation for me! 

31 Weeks

How big is baby? babycenter.com says they are about 3 1/3 lbs and about 16-17 in long. I have a doctor appointment and ultrasound Thursday so we will find out for sure then. I can tell they are growing a lot lately because they are really starting to fill out my belly. I can almost always feel at least one of them right up against the outside of my belly. 

What is baby up to? Doing a lot of moving and stretching. Last night while I was trying to go to sleep they were really moving a lot. I just watched for literally about 45 min. Smith (baby A) is most likely going to be my energetic child. He moves constantly and Sanford (baby B) will probably be a little more laid back. I feel him throughout the day but sometimes it feels like Smith is trying to escape. He makes my belly contort all over the place.

Maternity Clothes? Yep. Lately my wardrobe consists of mostly yoga or sweat pants and one of Zach's t-shirts. It ain't pretty but it sure is comfy.

Stretch marks? I'm beginning to wonder if I'm going to resemble Kate Gosselin pre plastic surgery after all of this is over.

Sleep? Better now that Zach is on the couch lol. I still wake up a lot whether its to potty or just to roll over which is rather painful these days. I guess all the weight on my pubic bone (TMI - sorry) and lungs makes for a good bit of grunting and grimacing when I attempt to roll to the other side. Usually by the time I get to the other size I'm literally wheezing lol. Fun times.

Best moment this week? GEORGE! We went to a George Strait concert Friday night and it was a blast. It was a rather interesting night but we had a lot of fun. I'm super glad we got to go.

Miss anything? Let's just say that I hope I don't have the skin of a pubescent boy once the boys are finally here. I've got zits in places I didn't know could have zits. Its rather ridiculous.

Feeling movement yet? I'm thinking the boys are getting a head start on swim lessons in there because they move around like they're trying to kick themselves to the deep end.

Cravings? Just food in general. I've got the munchies all the time. And good smelling laundry detergent. I bought a box of Gain laundry powder the other night and have been doing laundry just so I can smell the detergent. Its not uncommon to see me taking in a few whiffs as I walk through the laundry room. Zach even asked me if I had had the urge to eat it lol. Somebody has seen one too many episodes of My Strange Addiction.

Food aversions? Chinese. I guarantee a week after they're born I will probably want Chinese food. There's just something about it while I'm pregnant that just grosses me out.

Started showing? Sometimes I misjudge the size of my belly and I walk into things. It happens quite a lot.

Gender? Boys!!! 

Signs of labor? No thank goodness. Hoping it stays that way. I've been a little paranoid lately. Any little thing and I'm freaking out calling my mom asking her if I should worry lol. If she weren't just the sweetest human being on the planet she would probably be a little annoyed by now.

Belly button, in or out? Have you ever wondered what the inside of your belly button looks like? 

Wedding rings, on or off? Only wearing my engagement ring when I leave the house...same as usual.

Mood? Mood has been pretty good lately. Just tired and feeling lazy. Not really in the mood to socialize these days.

Looking forward to...? Going to the doctor Thursday for an ultrasound. I love these monthly ultrasounds. Can't wait to see how big they've gotten.