Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Its getting to be crunch time!

33 Weeks

I had a doctor appointment today. I had a bunch of questions so we met with the nurse first. Out of everyone we've met in all of Jersey, she is probably the nicest. She reminds me of someone from home because she uses southern hospitality, she just has a yankee accent. She stayed in our room for probably 20-30 minutes while we waited on the doctor just to answer any questions we had. Plus, she has twins of her own so she gives us valuable insight not only from a medical standpoint but also from the standpoint of a mother of twins. We went over things such as where to go when I go into labor, breastfeeding twins, getting them both on the same schedule, etc. I feel a lot more at ease just after speaking with her.

When we met with the doctor and went over labor scenarios. Both boys are breech and have been the whole time so I am pretty sure I will have to have a c-section but the doctors don't seem to want to commit to that for a few more weeks. 

They won't schedule a c-section before 39 weeks. When I go back in 2 weeks (at 35 weeks) we will probably be able to make an appointment and if I go into labor before then they will just cancel my scheduled section. If I go into labor before 36 weeks, they will stop labor but if I have made it to 36 weeks then they will go ahead and deliver. Its crazy that we are so close to holding our sweet boys. I am hoping and praying they stay in there for at least another month. I am so ready for them to be out but I also want them to cook for as long as possible. I don't want there to be any reason to keep them in the hospital any longer than their momma. I do NOT want to go home without them. 

(We usually take the weekly pictures at night so the sun isn't usually so bright behind me.)

How big is baby? One website says they are "a little over 4 lbs" but considering a week and a half ago they were 4 lbs 4 oz and 4 lbs 10 oz I'd say they're much bigger than that. Another website says they're 5 lbs. I think that one is a little more accurate. Apparently, we make big babies, which is a good thing. I still laugh when I remember the look on the ultrasound tech and the doctor's faces when they saw how big the boys are getting. I'm just thankful they are both healthy and growing well.

What is baby up to? Doing a lot of kicking. It has actually gotten painful at times. The other night I was sitting on the couch and they both started going to town on whatever of my guts that have gotten shoved to my lower abdomen. I swear if I didn't know any better I'd say there was also a soccer ball in there and they were practicing their passing skills and maybe even some tricks here and there (Heaven knows my belly's big enough). I finally had to use my hands to push on my lower belly to try to raise them up to get them to move higher. That didn't help a whole lot considering my ribs are constantly hurting from digging into who knows what lol. These heifers are beginning to run out of room.

Maternity Clothes? I put on "real" clothes if I'm leaving the house but otherwise, I'm in sweatpants and baggy t-shirts. I want as little touching me as possible lol. Plus, most of my tops are borderline too short.

Stretch marks? That's old news.

Sleep? I haven't been sleeping well at all lately. Its more like I take a lot of short naps throughout the day and night. I usually don't sleep more than about an hour and a half at a time. Either I have to pee, I need to turn over, or I'm just uncomfortable. When I can't sleep, I usually just lay there and watch my belly dance. That always makes everything better.

Best moment this week? The other day we were in the car and  both boys were going crazy in there. I had my hand rested on my belly and they startled me by making a long, dragging movement under my hand. It even made me jump a little. Zach reached his hand over just in time for them to do it again. I think it freaked him out more than it did me. It was pretty funny.

Miss anything? As much as I miss being comfortable, feeling good, my back not constantly hurting, etc, I feel so blessed and thankful for these two little boys. I know they could be here any day and I cherish every little movement I feel because I know it won't be long before I don't get to feel those movements on the inside anymore. I'm not going to lie, its a little bittersweet. Feeling your child/children move inside of you is such a special feeling and I am so thankful that I get to experience that. With that being said, I know nothing can compare to having your sweet baby/babies in front of you and being able to hold them and kiss them and love on them. No matter how tough it gets sometimes, I know it will all be over soon and it will be a totally different experience. I'm just trying my best to soak it all in and enjoy it.

Feeling movement yet? All. the. time. I am so thankful for active babies. It puts my mind is at ease when I feel them moving so much.

Cravings? FOOOOOOOD! I'm snacking a lot. My sweet tooth is still a bit of a problem. Its hard not to eat junk when I'm feeling hungry. Seems like my body tells me I need dessert after every meal lol. 

Food aversions?  I guess the same...Chinese.

Started showing? The clothes I've been wearing throughout the pregnancy have begun to fit differently the last few weeks than they have all along. Tops don't seem to be as long these days.

Gender? Boys.

Signs of labor? No. Hoping to keep it that way for at least another 4 weeks. (Oh geez! 4 weeks!?!?)

Belly button, in or out? Out.

Wedding rings, on or off? Engagement ring when I leave the house, IF it'll go on. Sometimes if I've been up on my feet for a while before I try to put it on it isn't comfortable to put on so I just go without.

Mood? Usually pretty good. Just feeling like crap makes me a little impatient and I'm not really in the mood to leave the house to socialize. Its hard to sit still and not be able to relax. I get all restricted feeling which just makes it miserable. I would much rather be at home in my sweats and reclining on the couch. 

Looking forward to...? Meeting these little rascals.